It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant.
Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down.
What it does mean is
-better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams.
-more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons.
-more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge.
If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage.
Kind of guy who goes to a party, sits in the corner getting triggered because people are having fun together. Maybe start to see things from a perspective other than your own. Lol such immaturity and the expectation that everything should fit around you.
Just because you're too lazy to find groups to play with, does not make you special, and mean you should have access to endgame tier rewards. If you can't make an effort to play a MULTIPLAYER game the way it was intended, why are you here? Sorry not sorry.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. A little less raging over a stupid video game is called for, in my humble opinion. The original Destiny was a more enjoyable experience.
This game lacks servers and worlds. As soon as you meet someone in a public space, they evaporate into the ether as both of you transition to a new instance. Clans, events, communities are only observed in limited places. A clan is something you only see in PVP or online through streaming. Other than that, they are in their own world and exist as a name on a banner. My experience in FFXI as a solo player was a world filled with people sharing clan icons. I could repeatedly observe them doing activities together. Eventually, they'd see me and invite me in. We were able to chat through a keyboard or use tools to communicate through voice. In destiny there are very limited levels of interaction. You are solo, you are in a team without a mic, or you're in an activity with a microphone. I think the solo community wants more meaningful activities they can successfully do that doesn't require a full meet and greet. Some only have limited time or commitments where engaging in verbal communication wouldn't be the best option. Let's face it, it can be horribly awkward. You have the kid who's yelling at his mom. The dog that barks. The guy that's horribly ignorant. And the dude that won't stop talking. This is all just to do an activity you wished didn't require this level of conversation. They middle ground is missing. It's all in or nothing.
Edited by Mowbz: 5/31/2019 12:03:20 AMBiggest troll on this forum. This is a team game for team people, we'll have no solos here. 20 points for getting the reference??!!?? You're my wife now dave.
Don't worry Loose Holes, they're all just fake accounts.
You are absolutely right and the people that are against your post do not understand the money the solo player brings to this franchise because last time I checked people don’t buy there team a copy of destiny so are we all just solo players to start with and the first mission of d2 is a solo played mission.
The Division 2 is very so friendly and a lot of fun. I've moved to that game myself
Y’all see the new call of duty trailer that came out today? Bungie is panicking and posted the “future of destiny” coming Thursday morning.
Condemning people for having a different opinion on the game, stating your opinion as fact, and insulting those who disagree. Very mature as always...
Edited by GenXer: 5/31/2019 12:34:31 PMI was thinking about this, last night, chiefly, about why I don't play as much (or of late, at all). It's mostly because the solo game has dried up for me. I used to play with a lot of friends, but they've all drifted off into other games. I also play hockey, so there's little time for much else. My schedule's hectic and often doesn't match up with clan mates. I tended to play solo much of the time in Destiny and get picked up by friends who need a (capable) body to run through end-game content. While I agree that content made for fire teams shouldn't necessarily be rejiggered for solo players, I do think that it also shouldn't be rejiggered so that solos who've figured out ways to beat that content suddenly can no longer chase it. If a player has become powerful enough or clever enough to beat that content, let them have at it. Likewise, challenging content meant for solos would be greatly appreciated.
A multiplayer game catering towards solo play is the same issue that has plagued world of warcraft and it's caused thousands of people to quit the game. The best memories are those we create together.
trying to make an online social game more for solo players does impact every single one of us who want the game to remain a social, multiplayer game. Pushing content to solo activities reduces the social aspect. There are plenty of 1 player games that people can go play if that is the challenge they are looking for.
Raids shouldn't be matchmade.
shattered throne is soloable thats why theres a triumph for it same with doing it solo and without dying. I dont want match making for nightfalls and especially not raids that would be hell not to mention then you guys would complain that you cant do it without communication and they would have to "dumb things down" for you anti social gamers (not that thats a bad thing just calling it how I see it) playing a social team game where the endgame is to team up with others that play the game and do these activities. I know you are tired of hearing it but thats probably bc you are just playing the wrong game. hate to say that bc destiny is great if you put in the effort to make friends man my whole clan was basically met through lfg and becoming friends playing the game together and I doubt we would have if we matched together with no communication and left after completing. Things like raids and nightfalls are team based and for good reason imagine for a second that you want to do 100k nightfall well you'd have to queue with the same five of swords card so you need to find two other people that have the exact same settings as you. Lets say you put match game on and now you got lucky and found two other that put that on as well along with blackout and solar singe well you all went with solar weapons bc of singe and you all put on solar weapons hoping your other team mating would read your mind and put on void or arc to do shield damage but they didnt now youre stuck bc you cant break shields and it takes to long so you lose enough points that you dont get 100k well now bc of this scenario they have to take out locked loadouts bc of solo players and their match making so they just dumbed down the content bc you wanted match making think long term about these features just bc you yourself wouldnt ask for unlocked loadouts in nightfalls or raids where you can complete without comms doesnt mean the shit tons of casuals youve just opened the content up to for free wont ask for that and when enough people pressure a game dev they crack and add these things that make core players leave and I bet you that casual will do it a few times and leave but the core player with continue to play these activities without match making without unlocked loadouts for hours and hours without complaint those who are dedicated to this game and have been since destiny 1 year 1 or pc only players since destiny 2 year 1. I know I said earlier that you are just playing the wrong game but it doesnt have to be that way if you just opened yourself up to the community instead of just hoping bungie adds more features that allows you to stay by yourself I assure you this game will be even better that it already is. See "BADASS GAMING" what you missed destiny series for more details.
Try that fireteam tab below, Sanchez.
This game was never intended for solo players.
I can’t believe people think matchmaking for raids/nightfall is a good idea. Shows that they have never done a raid.
Edited by EARWAK3R: 5/30/2019 1:38:44 PMFor a multipayer online title, this is one of the most solo friendly games in the genre. You can hit max power, and get all the best weapons via quests solo. The only thing you need a team for is raids. Which makes sense as its a team focused activity built on group synergy and communication. I dont know what more you 'lone wolves' want. We already had the removal of heroic strikes, timed nightfalls with time gain modifiers, prestige/heroic raids. All this to appease the antisocials who refuse to team up. It comes down to resources, and i'd rather all resources go into focusing on team activities as opposed to solo play. Just make some friends or use lfg like the rest of us. I often hear, "But i have to go OUTSIDE the game" ...oh no, in 2019 we have to use tech to get social...terrifying! Come on guys. How often do you use twitter, insta, snapchat, facebook etc? We socialise and interact constantly in online social settings. Using the lfg on this app is no different. Facts: Resources are finite, they should be allocated to developing multi player not solo play. Facts: Destiny 2 is a multiplayer focused online game Facts: Joining a team/making friends/joining a clan exponentialy increases chances of success
When the people championing this cause start giving out about raids is when it goes too far. Because they can’t use an LFG and learn mechanics in advance raids are supposed to be easier? Those kind of people I can’t stand. Those who ask for more dungeons, with you there.
If anyone honestly gets all worked up over someones opinion or a internet troll for that matter. Why waste the time responding to them when you have all the power right in your hands. Just click on the persons name and block them*poof* and they are gone. Oh btw Lost Sols,You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 5/30/2019 7:19:42 PMOgma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
When it comes to matchmaking, I know why they don’t have it for raids. Especially with how convoluted LW is. Everything else should have it though. Nightfall, quest versions of strikes, Whisper, Outbreak, Shattered Throne. There is no good reason for it not to. If someone thinks it’ll be a disastrous mess of randoms, they can just not play it. Nobody loses from it existing for those activities. I also think there should be alternate, less convoluted versions of raids that are more akin to long strikes that offer less rewards. Significantly less, even. Just so that people can do it without dealing with the BS of them being otherwise convoluted and because they don’t want to communicate with random strangers for hours on end. Possibly with failing the activity and getting nothing for those hours at that. The only ”defense” I see against these things is “but muh rewards” as if other people acquiring something in a different way takes away from their ability to earn it the way that they like. Snowflake syndrome. Sorry not sorry but that’s what it sounds like. They seem to just want to feel special for having something many others don’t. As if something in a game should feel like work or a chore instead of being, you know..... fun. Bottom line, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If there are options, one person acquiring a piece of gear one way does not take away another player’s ability to earn something the way that they want to if there are options. Have ornaments that signify the way they were earned. Solo and MP gamers alike could easily coexist and there would be FAR less community strife if they would give people options instead of heavily dictating how everything is done and earned and instead of trying to force feed the entire experience on everyone. It is, always has been, and will continue to be detrimentally impractical and leave this series in the realm of what it COULD be. OPTIONS. That’s all people want. -
I'm fine with all matchmaking except for raids those are designed for communication and randos not in your party make that much harder.
So if a strong solo presence is necessary for every game...does PvP belong in every other game ever made simply because you think it ought to? Should Multiplayer be added to Spider-Man? Should it be added to Kingdom Hearts? How about Uncharted? Zelda? All these are ABSOLUTELY made better with a PvP aspect. I don’t feel catered to enough in these games and demand PvP activities. Adding more content simply can’t be bad. Right?
If you want raid matchmaking you clearly don't raid now do you? Raid matchmaking would not work whatsoever. Solo players have no place in destiny 2 don't like it. Don't play it. Players who want Raid matchmaking have no idea what can go wrong and how much of your time would been wasted.
I can only see positives from this.