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Edited by Lost Sols: 5/28/2019 8:34:37 PM

Dear all the people making sh*t comments to people who want a more friendly solo experience...

It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant. Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down. What it does mean is -better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams. -more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons. -more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge. If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage. Thanks.
#destiny2 #DTC

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  • Those people who tell solo player to leave the game would likely later complain that there aren't enough player for good pvp/gambit matchmaking when they get stomped by much better hardcore player.

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    • Game isn’t for solo players... It literally requires an internet connection for a reason...

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      2 Replies
      • [quote]It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant. Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down. What it does mean is -better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams. -more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons. -more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge. If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage. Thanks.[/quote] Really? How much easier do you want PvP to be lol. Comp has already been ruined catering to people like you. I can't believe match making tears are still flowing. Find some friends.

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        • Most of the game can already be solod. I dont see the problem. LFG for Whisper, Outbreak and raids. Nothing else requires a team.. Maybe pvp but I mean it's pvp.. What do you 'solo' players want out of the game anyway?

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        • Well said.

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        • Agree. Optional MM for Nightfall, Dungeon would be great. From the beginning Bungie stated the game would be more enjoyable if played with friends but also mentioned there would be plenty of options for the lone wolves as well. Bring it on, this won't affect BFF guardians' options. ;)

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        • Agreed, I love playing solo a lot and also with friends so it really needs balancing cause a lot of people like or can only play solo

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        • Literally everyone against it

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          • As far as PvP goes, it's whatever. Its PvP. But for the PvE stuff I think that, despite it's failures, Anthem had a cool difficulty tier list. The harder the difficulty, the wider the loot pool and more loot that is rewarded. If a solo player wants to grind out an activity solo, they can but they will have a more limited loot pool and drop rate. Higher difficulty, more players more rewarding. Even if Anthem wasn't exactly this it's still a great idea IMO.

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            • Most of the shit comments towards solo players are coming from Bungie employees because they know their social agenda failed big time.

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              • More single-player content is fine. I see plenty of people getting upset over the idea, and I just can't wrap my head around why. "But it's a multiplayer game!!!!" So? I don't remember queueing up with a party to gather and craft in FFXIV, but it was there, and solo dungeons would have been perfectly welcome (idk if they ever added any). The reality of the situation is that not everyone wants to play socially all the time, even when they want to play a primarily social game. Hell, sometimes the people you like playing with aren't around, and you don't have the social energy to meet new people. Strike playlists and Forges count as solo content, to me, because aside from trying to teach a bunch of rabid squirrels how to catch a ball for Corrupted, I barely interact with anyone in them. More things that you can just... go and [i]do[/i] would be welcome.

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              • Edited by Thugnificent: 5/29/2019 10:26:29 PM
                I fail to understand how adding more options for solo players will “hurt” the game. I really think the problem is that there is this blind hatred towards solo players. It kills me to read those posts because it’s like that group wants solo players to be neglected or wouldn’t want the game to expand its player base (to an extent). I’ll bounce back and forth between both sides (solo and group). I enjoy pvp more when I’m on my own so I don’t have to rely on anyone. And I’ll do raids and nightfalls with my clan mates because I love hanging out with them. The point is, is that I’m in the middle of this topic. Bungie shouldn’t make content that is solo exclusive, but they should make content that is able to be completed solo. Much like the dungeons or shattered throne. If we want destiny to improve we need to be able to take in and RESPECT all views from both sides of the player base spectrum. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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                12 Replies
                • Destiny 2 social experience: Obesse, angst ridden male virgins raging down a mic. 😀👍

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                  • Edited by Infamous067: 5/29/2019 9:21:30 PM
                    I thought people would get you but it seems they all still rather hate on solo play, at least you tried. Clearly all these players have friends to raid with and others have friends to stomp others in crucible. Solo play is forbidden in destiny, not one of these players knows the struggle to want to play on your own. Idk why its so hard for bungie to simply give buffs on the pve activities to solo players. If most of these players want to play with friends thats fine, saying solo players shouldn’t have the ability to enjoy the game is childish. Not to mention the destiny 2 story is literally designed for solo play, you don’t see ikora talking to multiple guardians or see any other npc talking to anyone else but your ghost. Heck even if you have a team you wont even see them on the cutscenes but hey, destiny is meant to be played together lol

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                    9 Replies
                    • People need to create a reason to believe their life is worth something so they s-hit on others no matter the topic.

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                      • A solo activity that can also be three manned will be made trivial. If it's intended for the masses to complete solo, then having the same challenge multiplayer will be pathetically easy. Unless theres a hardcore scaling for more individuals added, which would just feel more artificial. And if two separate missions like shattered throne were created, it would take away from one or the other. Neither would get the focus it deserves, and designs will be lackluster. Not saying your wrong, just saying there are downfalls to focusing on the single player experience in a game like destiny.

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                        • Edited by Inclement Karma: 5/29/2019 8:16:21 PM
                          You’ve got it exactly backwards. Making everything “solo friendly” will either fragment the game irretrievably or make team activities trivial. Here’s a better thought: quit expecting everything to be tailored to you. If you prefer solo play, and are hard-over that everything must be available to the solo player, [i]then play a single-person game. [/i] If, like me, you always play solo but like some of the multiplayer games, [i]accept that you won’t be able to achieve everything.[/i] Edit: tpyo

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                          54 Replies
                          • Alternatively, get good.

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                            3 Replies
                            • First off, I am a primarily solo D2 player. I do use the lfg on this app occasionally. I can agree that nightfalls could have in game matchmaking, but raids and dungeons typically require mics and communication to be completed successfully, imo. I go into pvp solo all the time. So not sure what needs to be changed as far as pvp is concerned. Finally, I've seen both certain raid encounters and the Shattered Throne be completed by people playing solo. So if it is possible to do solo, by elite players, than what you are asking is to have the difficulty lowered so non elite players can complete those activities. And typically in other games, when there are multiple difficulty options, the lower difficulty things, dont reward the same quality of rewards. So why would a person want to run a raid, nightfall, or dungeon, if it only rewarded blues?

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                            • Other than a freelance pvp option this game is fine.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Plenty of single player games available, maybe go play one of those?

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                                7 Replies
                                • Bro, who shit in your cereal? That’s being asked, I can only chime in with my opinion, and it is this: In my experience, Destiny is WAY better when played with friends, family, or both. I have made a lot of friends in my time on this game, and have played quite a bit with my oldest son, and I just hate playing it alone. Unless you’re Esoterrick levels of good, you should try playing with others. But you do you. Also, what kind of content do you want geared more towards solo players? What kind of experience are you looking for?

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                                • Ok lazy random tryhard boy, please, make a self-analysis of Yourself and evaluate if You are wothy enough to keep going on a multiplayer based game. Devs won't listen to child tantrums rather to keep improve in social environment. Penumbra will be your final deception.

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                                • Nope. The fireteam mechanic is key. I have tried to solo Nightfalls and have a rough go of it. With a team, its enjoyable/challenging. The game should not sacrifice the fireteam PVE balance to cater to solo people.

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • I try and disagree with solo content respectfully, I personally dont think people looking for a solo experience should be playing the game if solo is what they want, im biased as this comes from someone who plays full on MMORPGs so you are never alone, but to be fair they have systems to ensure that unlike destiny which lets you queue for raids solo while literally being unable to do them. I personally just think its ridiculous to come play an always online multiplayer game akin to an MMORPG and then come on the forums and complain theres not enough solo content, in a multiplayer game. Im sorry but you are going to be hounded for asking bungie to add solo stuff when the game has so many fundamental problems bungie is ignoring that need to be addressed first. Its not that solo modes shouldnt be added, its that its not as important as everythng else so the hardcore players are going to scoff at you.

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                                    • This is a multiplayer game

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