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Edited by Lost Sols: 5/28/2019 8:34:37 PM

Dear all the people making sh*t comments to people who want a more friendly solo experience...

It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant. Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down. What it does mean is -better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams. -more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons. -more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge. If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage. Thanks.
#destiny2 #DTC

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  • I’ve never had a problem playing solo if I need to I can find a fire team. The problem is the lack of even relatively fun things to do.

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  • Edited by mrbird33: 5/29/2019 12:37:46 PM
    Solo friendly. 1.strikes 2.patrols 3.crucible 4.gambit 5.lost sectors 6.forges 7.gambit prime 8.nightfalls Non solo content 1. Raids You may want to rethink what solos " dont have". The content is overwhelmingly solo friendly

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    • [quote]content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo[/quote] shattered throne can and is expected to be done solo; as per its associated triumph. other than that, outside of the raids - what else can a "solo" player not do? This game although grindier than when it launched - is still super friendly for solos and casuals.

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    • Yeah, but then how will terrible PvPers and cheating clans be able to run around in a stack trying to farm newbies, if all the fireteam advantages are taken away from them? ;)

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    • Actually it affects ever one cause it takes developers off other tasks to fix a problem that doesn't need fixing... you bought an online multiplayer game!! If you choose to play it solo it will be more difficult. It's not hard to make online friends to play it with but it's your choice if you want to or not. No need to dumb down content difficulty or length to cater to the solo warriors and antisocials

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      6 Replies
      • I tend to play solo a lot now days, more by choice because of time constraints. I like to be more solution focused and do those activities that help me level up. Yes I know there are a number of activities for multiplayer as well. But joining fireteams etc is time consuming, can be distracting and I don't have the patience anymore. In saying that Bungie has NEVER listened or shown interest in making Destiny more solo friendly. Take it from someone who has played D1 and D2 from days one for both versions. This discussion always goes nowhere.

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      • Edited by GalaxySpider: 5/29/2019 11:00:55 AM
        No offense, but I think it just might be the wrong game for these players. I mean, the game was primarily designed as a team/coop experiencey not the other way around. Sure it does have solo content or content which can be played alone/you can get match made into, but when it comes to challenges and endgame Bungie always wanted to lay the focus on what the game was originaly supposed to be: a coop game. Can you blame them. No. Absolutely not. It is their game, their wish to have it that way. Like any other game with it's own creative design (choices). It's not like people asked for the latest Zelda to have more or even any coop content. Designing endgame content for a single person AND a coop experience AND to keep it challenging without artifically pushing the difficuly up, is a tough thing to do. You can only put so much time into something, especially with deadlines you have to meet, for new content which is also a constant demand for this never satisfied community. It's like doubling the ammount of time and work you have to put into these activities. Solo-able content would be automatically easier with more players. So why would anyone waste time here for that, if you can get it done faster with another player? Solo ONLY content is, my guess, simply what the devs don't want to do for the more challenging content, cauz it's like missing the point of the game they are working with? (open question). We only have that for the immersive parts like story or lore quests, which is ok. Would it hurt to have more solo or solo-onky content? I guess not (which depends on if an activity has matchmaking or not), I personally think. But maybe, in the eyes of the devs who actually work on that specific content, it does hurt the actual game design and that's why they simply decide not to that and not lay any more weight onto the solo portion of Destiny.

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      • Don’t wanna be that guy but I’m gonna, one of destinys selling points is [b][i]multiplayer.[/i][/b] Duh?

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        3 Replies
        • I'm all about every activity having optional match making. If you want randoms with you turn it on, and if not then turn it off. It's that simple really. It wouldn't affect anyone who didn't want it and would give those asking for it a chance to try other activities.

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        • 1

          Best served chilled.💕🥛💕🥛 - old

          Sure. Add optional matchmaking to all activities, I don't really care. The only thing I find annoying about this whole deal is that people complain about a problem that's largely self inflicted.

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        • Optional matchmaking for all activities EXCEPT scored NF and raids IN GAME LFG board for scored NF and raids with checkbox requirements like mic,light level etc. (Maybe LFG for comp pvp too, I don't touch it but logical?) If I have to go outside the game or use an app to troll the net for playmates? I messed up and I'm on eharmony or thats shit design. I'd go further and add a team finder on the clan page to allow clans to quickly team for activities, again, IN THE DAMN GAME. The fact Destiny hasn't got such IN GAME basic functionality after 5yrs? is beyond inept. In game txt on console and maybe game specific emotes like "go there" would be cool too.

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        • Go away

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          • Edited by Ken_Malibu: 5/29/2019 7:26:43 AM
            To make the game more solo friendly certain team activities would need to be dumbed down. When you dumb down the team elements many team players leave the game. I've seen clans dissolve because of these issues and the lack of real team challenges. The shattered throne is too easy to be a challenge for 3 people. So my point is the team elements need to be worked on and improved otherwise it will become mainly a solo game. There are already almost no activities that require team play so what exactly do solo players want? Seems like they hate people having a team in this game. Please remember this is a co-op game by design and many activities are built with teams in mind but right now other than raids there is no need to actually have a team. So think on that for a minute. A co OP team based game where 90% of all activities don't require a team mate. So the game already heavily caters to solo players yet they still cry and moan about it. Maybe if you want such an awesome solo player experience go play an awesome solo game and stop crying about a team based game where you don't want to take part or play with the community or find like minded players. It's a you problem you don't adapt to your surroundings you demand the surroundings adapt to you.... good luck in life with that mindset. So yes if they keep making solo content and stop making tougher team based game modes then large communities will keep struggling to maintain players and clans will keep falling. So yes it does effect players, it effects clans and relationships because people like a challenge. Solo players can not comprehended this because they are always thinking about themselves.

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            7 Replies
            • I agree

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            • So you're saying this post is proof of your "thinking" cap? I'm trying to contemplate that.

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            • Edited by ramthesocket: 5/29/2019 10:31:34 AM
              Solo content is fun and all until they divert all of their resources from making multiplayer content to small solo things, which would probably receive complaints later on about either being too hard or too repetitive. How solo are we talking anyway? Refusing to find teams on the many LFG services available to us? These are the solos who I disagree with. There’s no reason they can’t find any teams unless they are physically incapable because of disability or other cause. Anyway, in regards to more solo content... I want to do things with my friends. Not having to keep breaking up fireteams like we have to for the invitations. Just because people won’t find others for activities doesn’t mean that people who can and have friends should be limited to their spectrum. Edit: yes, I know I missed the point of the post.

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            • Can we have your email address, or maybe a phone number? It would be nice to be able to run comments by you first to make sure they are worthy of the Bnet forums and your ego. Some day, when you grow up and join the rest of the adults, you will realize that you can't control what people think or do. Oh btw, everything you mentioned CHANGES my experience with the game. Although I agree with sbmm, and more content similar to shattered throne. Maybe next time you should read before posting something ignorant, instead of acting like a child having and internet temper tantrum. Thanks Dad.

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            • Edited by name: 5/29/2019 9:24:22 AM
              a nice solution would be to have your other 2 characters as AI bots ingame to fill a fireteam (with the option to switch/ assume control of any at will) , like that the game design could be kept the same , while motivating solo players to upkeep 3 chars and do co-op content solo with bots i for myself would much rather play with my bots than MM randoms or toxic LFG people

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              • Nice post and I agree. I'm a solo most of the time. That's one of the many reasons I'm leaving this franchise in Sept. All of the unnecessary nerfs are based on fire team activities. Bungie has made it clear that they do not support solo play and are dumbing down gear to make the game harder. I don't support their mindset, direction, or decision making.

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              • Why dont the solos team up😂👍

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                11 Replies
                • Better scaling of the NPC's and solo queue option for content is not asking for much to be honest... Its something thats worked well in other games warframe does it very well for example... personally I would like to see the enemy NPC's gain more abilities/rng based attacks etc based on light level too...

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                • Well said and thank you for showing some love for solo players. 👍

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                • I defo think that solo match making for pvp should be implemented (where player count allows (especially comp). But pve is so much better playing with other people (even though it can be an absolute mess). If you don't want to do things as a team then maybe destiny isnt the game for you. (Please don't take this as hate or disrespect - none intended)

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                  • They could do a better job at matcmaking for sure, but to be honest, do you think people will really use it and then will people be willing to team up with randoms not knowing if they will have propper communication etc, there will be a lot of variables in play especially looking at raid matchmaking, wouldnt hurt but the way it will work will have to be fine tuned if they do so and then putting penalties in place for people leaving will stop them from hopping around but that would be unfair because if you dont want to play with certain people you shouldnt have to, all im saying its always been easier having a set group of friends to play with

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                  • You tell them op! Most players don’t do raids. That’s a fact. As a full time Social Worker and a father I don’t have time for hours + long raids. I just don’t. I don’t really think replaying raids is a very fun endgame any how. Most players don’t bother with raids because of a plethora of reasons, which could include time commitment, unable to find friendly teammates, etc. The non raider is the majority in this community and deserves to have content for them. If those that don’t raid don’t show up to Destiny in the future, the raider will not have a game. 5%-10% of the player population is not enough to maintain this game. Bungie won’t make a game just for raiders.( at least they shouldn’t.) Also a game that doesn’t have match making for all or almost all activities is a poor choice. We shouldn’t have to go outside the game to find a team.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Why can’t they just have different tiers .. Have three different levels of difficulty in stuff with the highest being “fireteam recommended/matchmaking available” Then you can choose. Go solo and get a fairly easy ride, go solo with a harder difficulty, go solo or team up...and scale the rewards.. But give a higher chance of the very best stuff dropping to the highest level.. Just a suggestion.

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