originally posted in:Offtopic Arena
[quote]Here the rules are simple.
1. You cannot scavenge the corpses of your foes
2. The match will be decided by popular vote
3. To override popular vote or for fun you can challenge your foes in the comments
4. If you are challenged and are a no show, the Challengers wins automatically regardless of popular vote.
5. Anything goes so long as it stays within the arena[/quote]
[quote]Team:The Lurkers
[quote]Team: R6 Trash
[quote]Round 1 match 5 [i]The Lurkers[/i] vs. [i]R6 Trash[/i]!
Which combatants will prevail?
Lets find out!
Lower the gates![/quote]
[b]Brackets Pending[/b]
[b] [url=https://soundcloud.com/copycat-gaming/offtopic-battle-theme]Offtopic Battle Theme[/url][/b]
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Chat?groupId=3741108]Offtopic Arena Group[/url][/b]
Get 'em Back Seat!!
Edited by Mse03: 6/4/2019 12:10:39 PMYou see, I'd challenge, but I think I'll keep lurking 😶
[i]"I'd like to thank the Lurkers.. "[/i]
Let’s go R6 let’s go!
Go Pug and Death
Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 6/3/2019 10:19:22 PMIm a bit surprised I managed to miss the last two or three. Anyways bjormp
Edited by deatheater200: 6/3/2019 5:38:21 PMI've actually gotten better at R6. I was pretty bad previously
... Despite how much I dislike the game... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Going with R6
Gotta go with Death and Bat for this one