Chill clan, very respectful and dedicated to raiding and endgame content. Our core raid group and myself are top 2% diamond tier raiders but this is not a requirement. Whether you're new to raiding or diamond tier whatever you are welcome to join. We currently have teams running crown of sorrows at launch if you're interested in getting in to new content immediately then look no further. If you're not interested in raids then this probably isn't the clan you're looking for. If pvp is your thing then we have a team for that as well, easy Fabled ranks, we have every pinnacle weapon and you can too!
Discord join and mic required. To join the crown of sorrows launch teams you will have to have some raid experience and members will be accepted upon response time and merit (raid report).
Great clan, and fireteams like this defenetly make the Destiny2 that much more enjoyable. Great experienced guardians, helpful and patient when new to raids.