its a sorrow and midget morning when uldren was tiered after the
stuff he went trhought later,
Mara knocked at her brothers big door and looked worrid,
Mara was a wearing low cut shirt with a necklace and
a black lether mini skirt that said "Spoot" on it.
Uldre who was the hero of the stroy of course was wearing
a black lether jacket and a black tshirt that had a photo
of a hotdog as 10 years ago he was addecting to hogdogs alot.
"GET OF YOUR BED YOUR BIG FAT GOAT" mara ominesly said
and then she took and pushed him out of the bed and said
"wanna be super hero, cuz i got super hero power" she
said edgtyly,
he walked out of the bed and went ouside and then
he stomblet across a strange rock with a and "aaaugh"
he yelled and become a spiderman he called himself
Strange Uldren Spider Guy Man(long name get it) to
himself, he met her sister Mara, she is a superhero
in the story too.
they decided to went over to zavala who licves at the
mountain of manngsoyvania, and he said "what do you want you dispecable snops"
he said seriously at uldre, "yeah theres this jerk who say hes strong"
uldren spider said ominesly, zavala glared hyper realistic at both,
"so what we do" mara said ominesly seriously at him.
"you are partners" zavala said to them super realistic.
"WHAT THE BEEP IS THIS WEE" uldren spider said ominesly.
"yeah lets be collab heroes" she said ominesly too.
And they became and become parterners.
they flew over in uldren sonic speed.
And suddently a horrible man with green eyes and wierd face,
he had a wierd face just like Oryx, but it wasnt oryx it was....
"MUHHAHAHAHA you inorent fools" freezeorix said sexily. he had
green jacket with a spikky shirt and robber belt and looked like
a action figure in a sence.
The final battle has begon
freezeorix punch MaraCat but she attacked back "uuuuuu ahghahg"
he said as he punch hem hard, Strange Uldren Dude did a special
movie and said "YIA YIA YIA HAHAHAHAHAHAH" he creamed as he
did a special move, but then they became weak and thy needed help from
another strange man.. they prayed and the...
Out of nowhere someone came and beated the orixfreeze it was...,
Silver the Hedgehog!!!, "dont worry pals I will teach that boob who is srungest"
silver said to both uldren and mara as they where week.
silver was a wearing a peter pan outfit to rescue both mara and spider uldren
from freezeorix who was of course the villain in the story and
spider uldren and mara spider are the Mario Brothers, Ladies. of
the story of course,
"ITS NO USE!" and beated the hull out of that week domb man,
but then oryx becom a supersaya and pucnha silver "aaaaaugh"
he yelled ominsely, but uldrenspider came back punch the BEEP out
of the villian and then he did a COMEHAMEHA move and then...
"noooon" oryx yelled as fewl back to space and never returned again.
Thanks silver said uldren to the hedgehog, "yeag thans botty" mara said to silver.
And then they all living a great live tothether ,
The End.
Lol. Spoot.