Thank you for keeping the Moon a Quarantine Zone for no reason, so that our enemies can AGAIN establish a base of operations right next to our home planet.
It's not like this happened before, after the Great Disaster, right?
And again Eris Morn comes to warn us of impending doom. That's the new Hunter Vanguard for you. Always scouting the next threat, always being there when the time is right.
Unlike some blue dude sitting on the edge of the railing in the Tower all day, staring at the City he's apparently intent on losing. No wonder he's friends with Dead Orbit!
Next we know we're having a second SIVA outbreak after that Eramis Fallen Baroness revives the House of Devils and fuses with Aksis or something.
Seriously, who made Vuvuzela Commander?
A shame for all Titan Mains, myself included!
You gotta give it to him, tho, without his stupid quarantine, we wouldn't be getting this baller DLC. I'm no titan main, fortunately, so I don't have to share in this shame, but I do take pity on the titans for this disgrace of a vanguard. Benedict could do better.