originally posted in:Clan Finder
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D2 year 1 player looking to get back into destiny for year 3
looking for high tier clan to play with
Most notable achievements in D2
-Eow top 100 finish
-2k+ elo in multiple playlists in pvp
(in the seasons i played in)
about me
have time and motivation to grind
20 yeas old
from finland
Destinytracker link https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/pc/smibb-2497
Battletag: smibb#2497 Discord: Kimmo#6876
be sure to give me a msg if interested
Hey there! We're a large, diverse and friendly ps4 clan consisting of two branches (two clans) playing together with +170 members who are looking for even more people to play with!! Nothing but good people here! We're not solely based in EU, but have a good player base both from US and EU (nobody from Finland yet though, but a few scandinavians) We have a policy of getting 2.5k in game XP every week (which is fairly easy to obtain) - this is to always keep the server as fresh and active as possible. Since we have two divisions that work together, we also have a discord that is mandatory for you to join! Link will be in the bungie clan chat Here is a link for the division that is currently recruiting: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3757305 Hope to see you there!!