Tell me if this is stupid or what?
[i]- Mk300mk[/i]
[spoiler][quote][b]Susanna Heller[/b] Jun. 5, 2019, 5:27 PM
[i]-A person walking during Boston Pride. Scott Eisen/Getty Images[/i]
A group in Boston wants to hold a "Straight Pride" parade in August. The event, pending city approval, will be hosted by a group called Super Happy Fun America.
The movement seeks to advocate on behalf of the "straight community in order to build respect [and] inclusivity," among other things, according to the group's website.
"Straight people are an oppressed majority," John Hugo, the group's president, said on its website. "We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgment and hate. The day will come when straights will finally be included as equals among all of the other orientations."
The event is being organized by three men: Hugo, who, according to the Washington Post, ran for a congressional seat in Massachusetts's 5th District last fall, Mark Shahady, and Chris Bartley, who is the group's "gay ambassador." The group has apparently adopted Brad Pitt as their "mascot," calling him "a hero to straight men all around the world."
Sahady is also a member of a group called Resist Marxism. In 2018 the group held a free speech rally in which the counter-protest was larger than the actual protest, according to
The men teamed up to plan the one-day straight pride parade, which according to a Facebook post from Shahady, will have "floats and vehicles," if all goes according to plan and the event is approved by city officials. They also designed a flag which they want to hang at Boston's city hall, pending approval.
As a part of "Straight Pride," the group also seeks to have "S" for "Straight" added to the LGBTQ acronym "because it's more inclusive that way."
Shahady shared details about the proposed August 31 event online on May 31, just before the official start of LGBTQ Pride Month.
LGBTQ Pride Month is celebrated in June in the US to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall uprising.
Because of the significance of LGBTQ Pride Month, the news of the proposed "Straight Pride" event sparked immediate backlash online.
And it's not the first time that this has come up. In a June 2018 op-ed for USA Today, Chris Hanna, a producer for the National Post, put it simply.
"Every day, we see threats made against members of the LGBTQ community. The scaling back of hard-earned rights and protections of LGBTQ people, particularly transgender people, is difficult to ignore," he wrote. "So when straight people ask why there is a need for gay pride or wonder why there aren't straight pride celebrations, it feels a lot like they are saying contributions by LGBTQ people ... are simply not worthy of recognition."
People on social media said that straight people as a collective group don't need a public event to increase their visibility, as they inherently occupy a position of privilege.
"straight pride is so dumb... straight people can show their love for each other comfortably without getting dirty looks or even getting attacked every day of the year. just a month out of the year for lgbt people to celebrate themselves isn’t hurting straight people at all."
Jacqui Castle 🏰
"There's not enough bottled patience in the world to get me through a conversation with a person after they have said the words 'straight pride parade' or 'why isn't there a white history month'"
Matthew Biddulph
"If you actually have to question why there’s no such thing as ‘straight pride’, take a moment to check your privilege, then kindly refrain from ever saying something so mind numbingly ignorant and self obsessed ever again."
In a statement to INSIDER, the city's mayor Marty Walsh didn't comment on "Straight Pride," instead focusing on Boston's upcoming LGBTQ Pride events which will take place on Saturday.
"Every year Boston hosts our annual Pride Week, where our city comes together to celebrate the diversity, strength and acceptance of our LGBTQ community," Walsh said. "This is a special week that represents Boston's values of love and inclusion, which are unwavering. I encourage everyone to join us in celebration this Saturday for the Pride Parade and in the fight for progress and equality for all."
Kevin Wong, Head of Communications for The Trevor Project, the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth, told INSIDER that pride events can be a special, safe space for queer people.
Read more: How the rainbow became the symbol of LGBT pride
"Some LGBTQ young people aren't able to celebrate pride safely, and look to local and national pride celebration events as one of the few ways to see people like them," Wong said. "This visibility helps them know they're beautiful the way they are, and never alone. "
And Linda DeMarco, the president of Boston Pride, told INSIDER that she expects that this weekend's celebration will be the city's largest ever.
"We know that straight allies of the LGBTQ community are among the thousands of supporters who come out every year to march, observe and celebrate," DeMarco said. "We are looking forward to seeing our straight friends, family, and neighbors at the Boston Pride parade and festival this Saturday along with members of the LGBTQ community."
Not stupid, ironic.
Edited by upchief: 6/12/2019 5:30:23 PMSome of the gay pride parades have fetishists waltzing around. Let's say this parade also included straight people. It would just be a parade of sexual freedom. That wouldn't be a bad thing, but then it wouldn't be as gay. The gay parade asserts their freedom to exist. A straight parade would just be another authoritarian rally. They are still free to do this peacefully. Not saying some gay people aren't fascist, but in any case, they are still free to do so.
It's so obviously a giant troll, especially with having Milo Yiannapolis lead the parade, and I think it's hilarious.
It's a beautiful thing
Practically every month that isn’t gay pride month is a straight pride month.
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 6/12/2019 3:08:24 PM[spoiler]Oh ya, an X offender in this parade which is just crazy.[/spoiler]
Edited by Uncanny_Vale: 6/10/2019 9:59:57 PM[quote]"Straight people are an oppressed majority," John Hugo, the group's president, said on its website.[/quote] Perhaps this straight pride rally will finally educate society about the persecution us straight people suffer. It might finally give me the confidence as a straight man to come out to my family and work colleagues without fear of rejection. Maybe if the straight pride movement gains enough momentum straight kids will no longer be bullied at school and called derogatory names like “hetero”. Maybe it will encourage the wider community to learn to accept my marriage to my wife and finally see it as equal to gay marriage. This rally is necessary to end the stigma against heterosexuality.
I don't care who hosts it, the queen of all vices should never be a virtue.
Stupid, because I’m consistent on my views for parade’s for any kind of sexuality.
3 homophobes try to organize a parade that's really a big hateful f-you to the LGBT community....😧
[quote]As a part of "Straight Pride," the group also seeks to have "S" for "Straight" added to the LGBTQ acronym "because it's more inclusive that way."[/quote] Wow. I feel so proud to be literally anybody.
Edited by Latrodectus5002: 6/10/2019 9:32:07 PM[quote]"Straight people are an oppressed majority,"[/quote] Any examples? Any countries where you are killed purely for being straight? Any straight conversion camps? Anyone preaching about how straight s£x is sinful? [quote]"We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgment and hate. [/quote] Guy’s got a point, why can’t I pridefully m*sturbate in public? I mean, if I’m attracted to women shouldn’t I be able to do that without judgement or hate? [quote]“The day will come when straights will finally be included as equals among all of the other orientations."[/quote] This. The day will come when homosexuality, bisexuality & transsexuality will become just as accepted & acceptable as heterosexuality, A.K.A 100% okay.
Parades are for children and astronauts. Straight and homo parades shouldnt be allowed.
I’m against this Before you jump on my Peter saying I’m wrong let me explain something It’s normal to be straight Granted more people are opening up to other relationships and that’s completely fine. I’m not going to lie and say I’m a straight white male just because I don’t date guys anymore but just because I’m BI doesn’t mean I can’t say how stupid of an attempt that is. If you’re going to ask for something don’t go attacking the other party just to get what you want. Guarantee half of them are ten times better than you’ll ever be.
The parade nobody asked for but everyone wants to see.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
So, it’ll just be a bunch of people walking down the street? What kinds of signs will they have and what will they have on their shirts? “Not gay” 😂 -
Edited by FadingBlink1013: 6/9/2019 10:26:48 PMSo you guys just inadvertently proved the point that gay pride month is stupid and disrespectful. Congratulations. Edit: I don't agree with this parade and it's pretty Frickin stupid. My point isn't that this parade or the people organizing it are good people. My point is that the comments some people are saying can apply to gay pride too.
And now all the LGBTGGHVKJ+ are gong to get angry and hypocritical. A parade celebrating a basic function of the body is silly. It's like celebrating that your lungs breath.
Seems dumb to me. The LGBT community still faces persecution even in the first world. Outside of angry people on Twitter, straight, white men don’t. These pride/history events exist to continue to promote/normalize various minority groups. Not saying this straight pride parade can’t legally exist; obviously it’s legal. It’s just stupid and serves no purpose, unlike events for marginalized communities.
You know by their very nature parades are pretty gay. [spoiler]is it gay envy?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Did I just discover the root of homophobia??[/spoiler] [spoiler]documented[/spoiler] [spoiler]fact[/spoiler] [spoiler]because I said so[/spoiler]
me personally i think gay pride is dumb so strait pride is also dumb
We live in a world where you're free to do w/e you want in your free time, as long as you don't break the law. This happens to fall under not breaking the law. Human stupidity is the spice of life. This is just something their hearts are telling them to do, in that moment within the confines of societal law. With that said I laugh. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Edited by HellfireEclipse: 6/10/2019 2:14:56 AMParades are gay. No straight guy wants to be in a parade. (Like musicals) . Pride is used to groom children. Sex offenders dressed as demon clowns reading to children... Desmond kid who is 11 dancing at strip clubs as adults throw money at him. Snap Chat having a nambla filter. Don't associate with the LGBT cult if you are gay.
If they’re being sarcastic and using all the reasons for pride month I think it’s hilarious
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