Thank you bungie for all the hard work.
Just why the bias toward hand cannons? I feel like there is always a new one coming out.
Can you keep the trend going like with Outbreak Perfected, and show more love for the rifle class weapons? It would be great to get some more good ones!
Thanks again
I wonder why they're so fixated on hand cannons, constantly adding more to the game and making them overpower most other weapons. On PC it's especially bad: HCs are totally crutch weapons. Anyone who pretends it takes some kind of higher skill to strafe and land 3-4 shots probably doesn't get out much or play real sports so they look for a sense of self worth in using overpowered, unbalanced guns in a video game. The development team must really like westerns or something. It's a bit excessive though. Not only do they constantly keep adding hand cannons which arent really all that differentiating from previous hand cannons, but the meta is definitely tuned to make hand cannons a staple weapon... Why though? Why cant other things be really good to use too? I'm not saying I want HCs nerfed I would just like to see the other rifle types be really good too (autos and scouts especially). Every time I'm ahead in a rumble match with halfdan someone will whip out TLW or AOS. They put on their cheese cannon and I put on mine (my smg hits harder and has better recoil than an AR because that makes total sense...). Then it descends into a cheese meta fest. Whether I win or not, it doesnt feel all that great doing it and it's not what I'm looking for / what I came to do. Best thing to do is just stay away from crucible I guess.