I have been Looking for [b][u]Spider's Wanted Bounty Arcadian Chord on PS4[/u][/b] for over 6 months now, have tried to ask for help on this forum multiple times. Have tried Twitter, have searched internet for why this bounty has not been available since last December 2018. The only thing I can find is that the actual fight changes locations or how to beat the boss of this bounty. Would someone please tell me why this bounty is so sparse??? It is the last thing I need to do to finish the Nessus destiny Triumph. I don't understand why it is so hard to contact you for information, since you do not post any information on the availability of this bounty on your Bungie.net site.
[b]Can anyone give me any information on this Bounty?[/b]
Unfortunately Spider’s bounties are completely random.