originally posted in:Clan Finder
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So ive finally decided to go after all those PvP pinnacle weapons, problem is i am primarily a PvE player and im absolutely awful at PvP. So i figure i join up with a clan of players who know what they are doing and join, maybe i will actually learn something.
Hey there while we are not an exclusively PvP clan we do have some very talented players who have earned not forgotten etc, and we have a community that is willing to help out details of the clan below, join up on discord and hop in a voice and look out for pvp lfg or ask me personally on discord and we can get you some advice :) Lux Corp - PC Community Clan [UK/EU/US] Lux Corp was founded with the goal of building a community of like minded active players to enjoy games together and have a good time. All are welcome, as long as you are active in game and discord. We run events for all kinds of activities, either set up by admins or requested by members. Even potential mini tournaments. Entry requirements: Aged 18+ Joined the discord Ongoing requirements (Only to remain clan member, discord is open) Keep active in game Keep active on discord (Notice can be given for periods of inactivity) Keep to the rules found on discord Join the discord for more information found here: https://discord.gg/p2ZkyGp We hope to see you on discord and in game! Mattizzle#2683 - Founder