A little while ago, the game Destiny 2 went free for a certain period of time and you could keep the game and play it. I tried to log into the game today with an account that i made to own the game in that free period and it came up with the error code - Saxophone. I have read all the possibilities that i could be encountering, but none of them make sense. I did purchase the game during the free period and have decided to just play it today and it is not working. Please help.
Hi KaiwVee. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46139]SAXOPHONE[/url] errors show up when Blizzard can't authenticate a player’s purchase or login when they launch Destiny 2. View our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46139]SAXOPHONE[/url] article for more information. You may want to follow these steps to refresh your PC game license: [quote] [b]1.[/b] Close the Battle.net app. [b]2.[/b] Via a web browser; change your Battle.net password [b]3.[/b] Restart Destiny 2 via the Battle.net app [/quote] Additionally, some players have reported that creating a new Windows profile has helped with this issue.