originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Very active Destiny player since D1. Ive complete all the prestige raids from D1 through first year of destiny 2. I hover around a 1.25 kd in pvp. Looking to join a active clan with a discord. Love to discuss destiny topics so the more engaging the discord is the better. Looking to get into a clan that is less clicky than my current one and with more active raiding.
We’re a group of friends that have been in large clans and have played since the D1 alpha. We decided to create our own in order to make a collected, and relaxed group that loves to play all parts of destiny. We are just starting out so we are looking for any interested members that would like to build a new clan. We’ve added 20 new members just the past few days and we’re looking to continue to add active members looking for a relaxed clan that enjoys all parts of destiny! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3784927