originally posted in:Clan Finder
We are looking to fill our ranks! We number around 60 and have maxed out clan xp every week (we're currently at cap level). Whether your thing is PvE or PvP, we have folks who do it all. We're a casual clan with our active times being in the evenings (perfect for parents, students, husbands, wives, grandparents, etc). Raids are created upon request, we will teach those who have yet to complete a raid. Typical raid times for the clan are Thurs-Sun at 7pm PT.
Our rules:
1. You must play on the PC platform, be above the age of 18, and play in the NA region.
2. Be respectful of other clan mates. We do joke around, but don't go crossing any lines.
2. Be active, we all have real lives but we remove members after 1 month of inactivity.
3. Discord is required for raids and is the main source of our communication. Don't feel left out by not checking in there.
Post a reply if you're interested in joining. Talk to you soon!
Interested Dinmok #1879
Im interested hunter 550 light but ive played since destiny 1 just got back into it since in back from overseas
Hey I'm interested in joining your clan. LexTalionis#11809
im interested in joining, pretty much PvE only, will grind light in pvp IFSnowdrop#1860
I'm interested in joining been looking for a active clan. mrdonut#1520
I'm interested in joining. Have been looking for a smaller, but active PC clan for ages it seems like now.
I'm interested, I also have a friend who would want to join. ToastySofa#1410
Is a mic required? just trying to join a clan before my friends join the game in september; if not feel free to invite me
Interested! MrBuckl4nd#1271