At the end of the Gauntlet, where you exit, there is a glitch where you shoot grenades from a grenade launcher through the finish line and it scores points.
I just wanted to point this out so it can be addressed.
Thanks for your report. It's already a known issue being worked on.
the gauntlet is easy. But you can't always rely on other randoms if you are going in solo. I was going for the triumph the one time i used a grenade launcher. It was fun. I get you want to keep it legit, then do it legit. Don't speak for others. it's not an absolutely game breaking glitch that needs immediate attention and resolution. I've been in a menagerie group one time where I have seen a player do it (other than when I, myself did it). I understand that this glitch, exploit, whatever you want to call it, was not intended, but why is there always that one player (you) that has to be a tattletale? I'm sure it will get fixed sooner than later as I am sure Bungie is aware of it, just let it run it's course and let people have fun in an even that people are actually, truly enjoying.
Bet you reminded the teacher they forgot to assign homework over Christmas break.
It's pretty well-known, and you must be real fun at parties.
Must be one of those guys who asked for the chest bug to be fixed too, eh?