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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
6/24/2019 4:04:07 PM

Need a good PS4 clan

Need a good clan to go through any raids and other PVE content, bored of using lfg all the time, I’m a good crucible player also but since I got not forgotten I’ve only been getting the pinnacle crucible weapons and then haven’t touched pvp much, I have a week one crown of sorrow completion and completed every other raid a lot of times except for spire which I didn’t really play

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  • Sounds like you might be a great fit for Guardians Elite. We're a small clan with some dedicated members that do PVE and PVP activities and we're looking to expand our roster a little bit. Please message me if you have any questions.

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  • [b]|Savage Heem Squad™| (PS4, ENG) Requesting Guardians to Join! -(PvX Clan)- Join us and we'll all 'Grow Fat With Strength' together...[/b] [quote][/quote] Hello fellow Guardians who are cruising this forum, I am sent as an emissary from my clan, and request all to join our us: [b]'Savage Heem Squad'[/b] We are a PlayStation 4 (casual/sometimes serious) PvE/PvP clan that seeks to fill it's ranks with fellow Guardians such as you! Anyone can join us, just request to join and an admin such as I or anybody else will graciously accept you into our ranks. We have players from different time zones and play styles (PVE/PVP/Lore Hunters/Raiders/Etc) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here at Savage Heem Squad: We often help new players to get ready for raiding or other pinnacle activities, We often run weekly raid schedules, accessible to all members. Each week we have a variety of raids to teach our members, and experienced raids for those who are more confident. We tailor the raid schedules to include the raids most requested by our members and to include all timezones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our only requirements is to have a mic, and be friendly toward other members of the clan. Harassment and Harsh Language towards other members of the clan will be dealt harshly and a expulsion from the clan. -(NOTE)-: This clan does allow cursing and somewhat offensive jokes, just do not use them seriously against someone else, we like to have fun as well. >:) [quote] "Thanks for reading our forum page and hope to have you on the team." -Macal[/quote]

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