It's this time of the year again! Since May mother nature keeps throwing pollen at me in an attempt to end my existence. Which I don't understand because I've always treated her relatively well.
This goddamn pollen allergy. Sneezing, then I get a runny nose, my roof of the mouth is itching and so are my eyes. If it's really bad my eyes are itching too and get swollen and red.
[b]Anyone else of you suffering from pollen allergy? Or any other allergy?
Let's suffer together.[/b]
Edited by Seraph: 6/24/2019 7:52:18 PM[quote] [b]Anyone else of you suffering from pollen allergy? Or any other allergy? Let's suffer together.[/b][/quote] [i]I suffer from very bad hay-fever, although pollen has no affect on me, so I’m relatively safe at this time of year. My older brother, and one of my sister’s have very, very bad pollen allergies. My issues come more from the grass and dust end of the spectrum, so for me, allergy Season usually begins August/September, when things get very, very dry. I also live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a lot farmlands, so my allergies tend to kick in when Farmers are literally making Hay.[/i]