Why do I say this?
While I was browsing the halo 5 custom maps browser and writing for my 4th part Backstory, I stumbled upon something that cannot be unseen, nor can be deleted from my memory now.
And it is scarring.
Some weird ass -blam!- decided to use a porn picture, as the map picture. How do I know? Cause A. They were naked, and B. Doing something I shall not name.
And now my eyes are bleeding from the bleach I used to cleanse them. I need assistance with removing my eyes from my skull after this
Whatever sick -blam!- did this needs help.
[spoiler]From now on I’m sticking to RTS games on the PC, -blam!- this shit I’m out [/spoiler]
You must not remember all the Forge porn from Halo 3 and Reach.