(Before anyone complains, I am calling for zero nerfs.)
Well, Truth is occasionally used instead of Wardcliff, but that's it. The meta is unchanged.
Why? Because while the main offenders, Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten, were nerfed, other weapons were untouched. These two guns were such large outliers in terms of both ease of use and TTK, that they are still dominant over other hand cannons even after this nerf. They have the fastest consistent TTK of handcannons at 0.8 seconds and the ease of use of a 180 precision frame. (Yes, other hand cannons with specific perks active can kill faster, but I'm not accounting for those. NF and LH have this TTK with or without MH active.)
Other hand cannons offer no ease of use. Ace of Spades has virtually no use on console compared to PC. Why? Because it has the 140 frame and recoil, as well as requiring three crits to kill.
If 150s are to have the fastest TTK of handcannons, fine. Make them require 3 crits, but a 140 needs to be in a 2 crit 1 body shot kill zone and console, controller recoil needs to be addressed.
A lot of people could also argue that the 180/precision frame of handcannons is just too easy to use. That is 100% true, but I would like to see the other archetypes buffed before this one is nerfed.
We need a REAL sandbox update. I want a Solar Week (like Arc Week) and several buffs to say normal rocket launchers, scouts, and maybe autos in terms of forgiveness. They require constant line of sight, so I think making them require virtually all crits is a little much considering they have to compete with HCs.
Also, remove or significantly reduce flinch.
Ace of spades is amazing. Not sure what trouble you are having with it. Its aim assist is probably one of the best in the game although “stat” wise, it does not look like it. It is probably the best scout rifle in the game. The issue is the players and the mentality of chasing the ttk meta... but consistency is far more rewarding. Ace of spades, last word, service revolver, trust, spare rations, etc are all great weapons. Smgs have a small list, but are still solid back ups to the 140/150 hand cannon models. The ikelos, antiope, huckleberry are very strong, Pulse rifles are strong... on console, you really want to favor stability over range. Pairs great with 180 hand cannons, fusions, and shotguns. Scouts are very hit or miss.. but there are strong ones out there. The jade rabbit is very solid for hip fire or long distance, the no feelings is just amazing, then there is the full auto short range one(forget the name) that has a .67 ttk. My point... it is very diverse with many consistent options. Work on your aim and selections with any other synergy that can help. Although I could go on all day about the p2p networking issues.. but since the nf/Luna nerf.. pvp has been far more enjoyable for me and I am running into everything and some things I never even though of. What do you prefer? Weapon combos? Synergy build you really like?