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looking for an xbox one clan. i like to do pve and pvp. returning after a little break when my other clan fell apart. would prefer to have a discord for chatting with clanmates and having good times. always down to play with others and make new friends.
[XBOX ONE] ♤Welcome to Unknown Exilez♤ [u][b][i]"Who" [/i]we are? : [/b][/u] We are a group of dedicated PvP and Pve Xbox One players. We have been togther since Destiny 1. Our current members are skillful and supportive teamates in all game types. Our goal is to become one of the best clans on Destiny 2 Xbox One platform. We play to WIN, we play like CHAMPIONS! [u][b][i]"How"[/i] we communicate? :[/b][/u] We currently have a dedicated Discord chat. Our channel is organized and catergorized. Having Discord is a requirement of being a member of Unknown Exilez. As much as we love Destiny we love to soicalize with our clanmates and get to know each other. [u][b][i]"What"[/i] is expected? : [/b][/u] Our target potential recruit plays Destiny 2 a minimum of 3-5 days a week or 15 hours weekly. K/D not KDA in Crucible must be 1.3 or higher (This ratio must be maintained) OR If you are joining for Pve you must have at least 15 Raid completions (Wish or Scorge) and Raid 2-3 times a week Must be 16+ years old and be able to join Discord. (IF YOU FALL UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS IT'S OK AND A INVITE MAY BE SENT ON A INDIVIDUALS PROGRESS REPORT) [u][b][i]"Where"[/i] we play? :[/b][/u] We currently only play on Xbox One platform. [u][b][i]"When" [/i]we play? :[/b][/u] Our members are within the United states time zones. (EST,CMT,CST,PST) [u][b][i]"Why"[/i] you should join? :[/b][/u] If you want a group of dedicated dependable teamates for Destiny 2 And a Chill and fun group of Clan Mates then this is for you. [b]Now that you know the why, the what, the when and the where, your next question should be [i]How do I join????[/i][/b] 1. Apply via clan link.. it's that simple ! 2. If accepted you will be notified with in 24hrs 3. Be prepared for your Discord invite if accepted https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2001013