I strongly feel that we need more Crucible Pinacle Weapons like the Redrix Broadsword that don't require a high Competitive rank to earn.
No. Pinnacle weapons are supposed to be for good players. Not some casual that just WANTS it. Need to put in time and effort in combination with skill to get these. Hate the way Bungie is going with this making them easier and easier every season.
There should be a quickplay broadsword pennicale weapon. Not necessarily something as good as the comp reward. For instance I think revoker could've been a qp pennicale. The comp reward could mirror it, like headshots reward ammo instead of reversal of fortune.
I tend to fall into this group thinking as well. Why not do exactly what they did with the pulse rifle? Delay it a full season, give it a different name and valor quest. More variety can never be bad.
Where would the challenge be?
Should have Valor reset completion options. Reach "X" Glory, or Reset Valor "X" Times.
I don’t think this is a bad idea at all. I don’t think they should compete with competitive weapons, but definitely should be a long quest.
Edited by iiCaptain_4: 6/30/2019 10:38:35 PMThey are pinnacle weapons for a reason... you need to be at the top to get them. They are a reward for good players. They wouldn’t mean anything or be pinnacle if everyone was able to get them. Git gud. Aight everyone I’ve come to the conclusion that there are now 2 types of pinnacle weapons: Normal Pinnacle weapons that just require grind (Vanguard, Gambit, Revoker) and Elite pinnacle weapons that require grind and (mostly) skill (NF, Luna’s, redrix Claymore, etc.)
No. We need more pve pinnacle weapons, sick of being forced into trash pvp
and bring back no land beyond
Sh*#, I’d be happy as hell if they buffed the Broadsword, even a little...
Revoker doesnt count? Although it would take awhile, it can be achieved without ever reaching the very first rank in comp.
Literally revoker
I think even removing that tedious 6:5 rounds bs that may end with absolute nothing for you apart from a loss should not happen .. points per round or no losses ..simple
So exactly like revoker?
There are several simple solutions. 1. Go Revoker way and make Glory cumulative, and remove bonus points to remove cheesing. Even trash player such a I am was able to get about 1K glory and trust me, I'm terrible. W/L is about 0.3. 2. Rename weapons into something like Luna's bark, Still Remembered, Mesa, Hermit (or Tarantula, if Recluse is about spiders-spiders-spideeers! (Tali Zorah:))) to highlight that weapon was obtained the other way. No one who got Redrix complains about name, right? 3. If you think this is too easy, double Glory needed, say, 4000 (or whatever is the double) for Luna's Howl/Recluse/Mountaintop and 11000 for Not Forgotten. 4. OR go Redrix way and add two paths - short and straight for those skilled enough, who'll do that easily, and long and winding road, that will lead you to the... reward. This way anyone could grind for those weapons and it will be clear what is wrong - connection, team-mates, game, gun, or you (in my case it's the latter, no questions, I'm abysmal, never hid that). Bragging rights for those who earned guns earlier? Sure, left them with their prized possession, they earned it. But let others to at least try to obtain weapon. Those possessing better skills still will outskill others, one PvP streamer proved that with free account (Chamomille character or something like that). Those who isn't that skilled, but really interested in weapon will find patience. Just for fvck sake, remove participation requirement ("Play # matches"). From all quests. It is [i][b]the [/b][/i]most stupid requirement ever, because it promotes no activity and will lead to people idling. Finding 2 idlers at the beginning of the match is very, very funny. Especially when it's already 6vs4. And you're on 4 side if you have any doubts. True enough, lose fast and you'll get your participation faster, but... where is fun in that?
^THIS. Locking all Crucible pinnacle weapons behind the least popular playlist is frustrating and depressing.
Or don't make competitive pinnacle weapons in general. Make the crucible in general and comp gives more progress. By having guns that are solely achievable from competitive playlist floods the normal crucible with tryhards and gives good weapons for it as well. Look at Luna. On console that thing reigned supreme after it came out. The meta became so stale and lots of people left. The player population increased after it's rightful nerf. It was literally have that gun or lose your 1v1. That made it for player who can't get that gun a hell to play crucible. Especially after season of the forge. You could play low ranks but the majority already had it from last season. For everybody to enjoy it make all crucible weapons achievable by playing any mode. For the tryhards out there give them more progress in comp to satisfy them.
Trueeeeee. The only part of Redrix I can never seem to get done is the 5 resets. It’s just so much! Too much in fact.
No because that literally removes the specialty of having it. What’s the point of the weapon being ‘pinnacle’ if everyone gets it? Then it’s just a Weapon. I don’t mind the revoked quest because it’s a sniper, and they have the highest skill floor. The broadsword I am against becaus eof the claymore, but I guess the sheer length of the quest makes it okay. But anymore?no. If my mate who can’t win any crucible comp games can get the same weapon as me if I’m at a higher rank? That’s unfair. There would be no point in playing comp whatsoever.
Resetting valor ranks or what they did with revoker is much better than the fabled grind for sure. I’ve been stuck at Heroic 2 for 2 weeks, it’s ridiculous.
I started going for Revoker last night and have already 700 out of 3500 It's really not that hard What is hard though is the f&€king Mountaintop quest ! The rank was never the problem if u r somewhat good in pvp my dude
Well you actually don't need a skill on Revoker :p I did managed to get 2100 last season due to some luck with friend, but had my 3500 glory points earned and all sniper kills done while I was on 800 glory points. Solo que on comp need a luck on you to get a good team. All you need to do is not to die, pop super to get some kill and capture or revive the teammate.
I agree. I did nor get forsaken right off the bat I waited a month to get it so all I could play was crucible. And getting the “marine” was awesome it was a decent pulse other than bygones at the time. I think some other non high ranking weapons would be awesome to get. Good post
Redrix is deeply unsatisfying though, imo It's clunky and it's neutral state sucks.
This is the most dumb post ever.. we had all the easy to get stuff in year 1 destiny 2 the whole player base dry’de out.. so pls just accept that buying a game wont mean that Every thing is obtainble for Every player. You are playing for a exp. If you dont like iT dont buy iT..