originally posted in:Clan Finder
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I'm looking for a clan on PC but my play times usually don't match up with "peak hours," and my current clan is dead. I typically play weekend mornings, 7am - 1pm'ish on the NA server EST. I know there wont be tons of people on at that time, but if there is a clan out there that has any amount of members on around that time that would be awesome. I'm mostly looking for some clan mates do run things like nightfalls, crucible, exotic quests, etc. I don't mind if i'm not getting in on raids or anything like that, it would just be nice to have some people to run stuff with occasionally so I can avoid LFG.
My clan, Satiate, would be happy to accept you, and a few of us are active during those times, but our clan is still very new so you might have to wait a few weeks for us to grow more if you always want clanmates to play with.