originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hello, I like to have fun but I also want to be in an active clan that does raids. I have completed many raids (mostly leviathan ones), I am good at crucible (1.6 k/d and improving, typically at the top of the board most games) and I am 750 light on 2 characters. I am on almost every day. the only downside is I'm from Australia but I am usually up late so I can play with most other countries.
Rising from the ashes and recruiting for guardians new and old to spark and ignite the Phoenix! A close team of Destiny 1 players recruiting new members for PS4 clan! We're about 40-50 members; half UK based, just under half American then a healthy mix of other nationalities, all are welcome! Raids are posted suiting GMT, EST AND PST. And yes, we have some awesome raid sherpas that can teach 😁 We've been a level 6 clan each season since Destiny 2 launched and will continue to do so! Looking for new active clan members, you don't have to play everyday but you do need to get involved in the game/chat/members etc If you're a solo player here for clan engrams, it's not gonna work out. We don't want numbers, we want players; people joining our clan to get to know people, play with other gamers and win with other gamers 👌🏽 Can be new to destiny or an old seasoned pro; completed all raids or only seen them on YouTube! Most of the team have done everything Destiny has to offer so far! PvP or Pve is cool, most our guys just like to play! We run clan chat over discord rather than psn as easier to chat without everyone getting notified while Netflix is blazing! (This is for comms outside of games, but 100% essential to join) Clan requirements are mega simple: 1. Play and enjoy Destiny! 2. Be mature! No age restrictions, we have mature 15yr olds in clan and we've parted ways with dumb immature 30yr olds along the way! 3. Download Discord and join up before weekly reset 4. Get involved! If you have no intention of posting/communicating or getting to know anyone please skip right past us 👍🏽 Hit us up guardians, time to gear up and get that loot for Season of Opulence! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=1904787