originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hello people!! I am looking for an active PS4 clan based around the EU. I am active and looking for a clan that will help teach raids. Thank you for reading this!
[u][b]Lets Welcome Everyone To Season 7, The Season of Opulence.[/b][/u] A Clan is like a gaming family and that's what we are We Help and look out for each other regardless in raids/crucible/milestones We are not a "Focused Trials Clan" We are a Mixed Bunch Our Personalities are extraordinarily different that is what makes us awesome. This Clan has been alive and well since Season 1. And we are open to meeting new people and new faces. Those who are oblivious to Destiny overall. No worries! We Definitely have time for those to teach and grind the ways of Destiny. As you can say We are Definitely the Sherpa Clan. Yes, People. Sherpa. :] Our Rules are Very Simple Don't go offline for more than 2 weeks. And Don't be Disrespectful. Yes, we may not agree on things but who really does?. This is a place where we can Game and Talk all the Gaming crap we can. We Are PDT/UK/EST Friendly [b] We Communicate Through Bungie.net Web Application/Mobile Application Try us out. I am sure you won't regret it [/b] [b]Direct Clan Link: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2087597[/url] When Submitting: Send a Msg to Me to Confirm the Request Make Sure you leave any current clan your in before applying [/b] [b] Check out our Clan-Intro Season 5. Short 30 Seconds [url]https://youtu.be/H9xCtfmpsLY[/url][/b] [u]Can not Wait To See You, Guardian.[/u]
Heya! If you're looking for a second home - check us out. Might be the right place for you :) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2069200
[quote]Hello people!! I am looking for an active PS4 clan based around the EU. I am active and looking for a clan that will help teach raids. Thank you for reading this![/quote] The "Vicious Hamsters" on PS4 (A clan since D1) We are a mature clan who understands the trials and tribulations of real life and with that in mind we don't have a host of ridiculous requirements. All we ask is that members be engaging both in game and BAND and be understanding, not everyone has the same skill set but may have the same passion for certain activities and the game as a whole. Our player base consists of players from Britain and Ireland, all over Europe and nearly all time zones in the U.S. We use BAND for all clan communication https://band.us/@vicioushamsters It's possibly our only real requirement of membership. Requests for clan membership on Bungie.net or companion app will not be processed unless accompanied by a request on BAND. BAND requests should be made with your PSN account name. Please also bear in mind in an effort to keep our clan in an active and healthy state we perform activity checks on a 30 day cycle anyone found to be inactive and that meets the criteria as set out by the Admin team will unfortunately be removed from the clan list. Also this clan will gladly teach, we have enthusiasts for each discipline; but WE do not do carries, everyone must carry their weight to the best of their abilities. So if your interested, just apply on Bungie.net or the companion app and on BAND and become part of the Hamster revolution. If you have any questions feel free to ask. https://viciousnation.wordpress.com/join-us/ https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1220098