I mean, healing and a damage buff on demand is too much. Whoever decided to let this broken op weapon into the game, can I ask one question... why?
Hey! It does not need a nerf why? Cause it’s not op all it does is act like a medgun stop asking for a nerf unless this gun always 1 shots you except for snipers
IF aNyThInG lUmInA NeeDs aBuFf yOu ComPlEtE BuFfOoN!
I actually understand where your coming from but if u think about it there are only a handful of weapons that are significant impacted by blessing of the sky. For example ace of spades, le monarque sturm and thorn. But depending on the platform u play these guns are not viable. Ace on console is a bloom cannon that hss high inconsistency issues. Sturm needs an overcharged bullet for it to one shot and you need drang which no one uses and i can go on. Hell even lumina while viable, gets shut down by lunas and nf. It still requires two crits and one body shot to kill a target with the perk activated and three crits without it. And on pc this gun will get wrecked by Last Word, Thorn, Austringer, Ace and so on. Even Rose which is a legendary is better than lumina on console and pc. So trust me this gun will pass as it is not competitive in the slightest but it is very fun to use. If hand cannons other than 180s got a buff on console for stabilty and accuaracy then I believe that Lumina and Rose will be top weapons and can be better than Lunas and NF.
It should be a 4 head to kill also.
They need to change noble rounds to friendly fire
The buff isn’t all that much, dude. Calm down.
So nerf jotun?
I see the satire tag there you can’t fool me
Are you serious it hasn’t even been in the game a week It only buffs 19% Wait a minute what happened to the devil of the crucible LOW you know the shotgun with a sniper range did it just disappear Did Luna and NF evaporate Seriously sack up
[quote]I mean, healing and a damage buff on demand is too much. Whoever decided to let this broken op weapon into the game, can I ask one question... why?[/quote] Maybe your just plain bad and can’t play in pvp for anything so any weapon that kills you needs a nerf because you think that your the best now sit down shut up and quit complaining before someone puts you in your place and knocks you off your “high and might” pedalstool
I got killed by it in crucible so it’s pretty broken
Bait, fishing.
Dude you're using crutch ass recluse
I saw one in crucible it definitely needs busted level of nerf it's too early by guy it's running rampant because it's the new hotness give it time
Fishing for likes? You better lift your shirt on instagram for that. Or better, dont! Dont do that...
Edited by Blaidd: 9/25/2019 9:42:02 PM
If anybody takes this b8 you're crazy. Don't fall for it.
The Remnants should have a range nerf as well.