[i]NOTE: This will likely be the last Spark of Glory I can upload before I leave to Pakistan for a while. I'll post some smaller stuff (don't ask what it'll be, it's secret) for you guys to read, but if I can upload something while I'm in Pakistan I will. Thanks!
-Koriks, Kell of Flame[/i]
The machines turned to face us and began to open fire, and we had to move as far back as we could.
“Retreat! Zariks, get to the back and make sure they don’t follow us!” I ordered.
“We can’t leave! There’s a block of that stone from earlier here!” exclaimed Vrelos, one of the snipers.
“We’ll have to mine it out later! Anyone with Wire Rifles, stay here and pick off any enemy snipers! Everyone else, get in there and open fire!” Karsok commanded.
I jumped down, my shrapnel launcher in hand. We dispatched most of the units, but they kept coming through the portals. One of my shots hit the large portal, and it fizzed slightly, as if it had actually damaged it.
Then I got an idea.
“Everyone focus fire on the portals! I think we can destroy them if we can damage it enough!” I yelled.
With overwhelming firepower, we dispatched all of the portals - the large one taking longer - and most of the enemies. All that was left was the large one. I threw a grenade and it put its attention on me. I dodged it’s shots and it also attempted to stomp me, but it missed. Even then, it’s force knocked me back a bit, injuring me slightly. Then I saw it turn to Karsok, who was reloading his weapon, oblivious that the machine was going for him.
“KARSOK! WATCH OUT!” I yelled, bolting to
But it was too late. As Karsok raised his head, the machine slammed it’s foot down, and sent him flying across the room where he hit the wall, falling down (assumingly) dead in a crumpled heap.
Anger welled up in me. I had just seen a Kell of great stature, who was well-respected and praised as a great leader, who had just become one of my closest friends, die in front of me.
Just like that. Gone.
I had a crazy idea that could kill me, but I went with it anyways. I jumped on a rock and yelled, “Over here!” It turned to me, and came towards me. When it was close enough, I jumped onto the being and onto it’s head. It tried to slap me off, but I got to its “neck” and sliced it with my arc sword. Guess it was good I decided to keep that close to me all the time. Most of us do, though.
The large being fell down, and me with it. I used it as a shield so the fall wouldn’t severely injure me. I still heard part of my arm break. I bit back a curse. I would be fine, considering I used to be a soldier and I had suffered much worse before.
We had defeated the creatures, but we realized we should leave fast before the conversion machine tried to reactivate the portals. I took the head of the large being with me as a sort of trophy, to remember the trials and tribulation that would bring us to… somewhere.
“These machines are dangerous. We have to get off this planet immediately,” I said.
After we used some of our mining equipment to break the stone, we headed back to the Ketch, and we broke the news of Karsok’s death and the others getting converted to the rest. They, too, were devastated, and chose Draksis, a rising Archon, to be the newest Kell of House Winter. He was young, certainly, but he would make a good leader after some time. We also explained that this planet was not at all suitable due to the fact that it would eventually be entirely machine.
“Did you send any other groups out? If so, recall them. We should get off this planet as soon as possible,” I asked.
One of the other Eliksni there stated that they sent some groups out to continue exploration and collect samples of the plant life and any animal life they could find, along with the machines we had encountered. He called them back and we were ready to take off.
We left the planet and ventured to find a new one.
[i]Woops, realized there was no story for a moment.[/i]