Now that main PVP players have had their time with older pinnacle weapons, it is time to unlock them for others who do not wish to play competitive matches (a majority of the player base). I have no issue playing the matches, however, the grind to Fabled tier is excruciating painful and a large portion of people will not play enough to achieve the goal, including myself. I believe the old pinnacle weapons should use a system like the new Revoker quest which sums all points earned in competitive, regardless of losses. On doing this, there would more than likely be a higher player count on this playlist, as well as happier PVE players and collectors alike.
Normally, if the weapons were geared more towards PVP playstyles, I would not mind, but the pinnacle weapons, especially the recluse, have great utility in PVE. I also find the grouping system to be off as I am consistently paired against full clan fireteams as a solo queuer. With all these PVE changes, it is time for Bungie to give a little love to PVP.
*As a note, I am an average PVP player who does play with clanmates, however, we are primarily raiders in PVE.
Thank you for listening to my rant and have a pleasant day!
Can we not make everything obtainable by the average joe thanks