originally posted in:Clan Finder
My name is AZDezertratt11, I'm 28 and have a family. Im looking for a well established clan, one with regular players with great communication within the clan. Ive been playing Destiny since year one D1. I took about a six month break starting last fall but I'm back and I'm ready to join a good clan. I'd really like to improve my PVP skills, Ive never really put forth a real effort in Pvp and I have picked up some really bad habits. I'm not a know-it-all and am willing to learn.
Bunch of Misfit Guardians is an D2 XB1 Clan that has 50+ active members across all US time zones. We do raids, gambit, menagerie and pvp. We also help with whatever you need whether it’s triumphs, titles, quests or even campaigns! We don’t have any crazy requirements either, just stay active, play with your clan mates, and treat everyone with respect. And we’ve been around since D1 so you know we’re not going anywhere. If this sounds like a good fit, then message me on Xbox gt Mollie Tov.