Seeing as I'm apart of the Senate, sheriff, and Oracle, I have some connections to make this official. Every person can suggest one rule. I'll edit it in and we'll allow and deny those rules in the Senate group chat
[quote][b]No mention of the d word (destiny) ~Gabydo[/b][/quote][quote][b]Be generous with the catnip to the nekos and cat people ~Bopsheezi[/b][/quote][quote][b]Respect the ocean ~Orca[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't ask the attic for anything ~Toaster[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't make an unnecessary gimmick or steal one ~Pyre[/b][/quote][quote][b]When voting in a three option poll all citizens of OffTopic must endeavour to maintain a ratio in said poll results in accordance with the shape of a weenis (or pp). The preferred ratio of three option poll results should be 20%, 60%, 20%. However some margin of error is acceptable in accordance with clause 5 subsection (a) of the code of conduct. ~ZARDOS[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't say you're leaving lmao ~Iron ninja[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't steal shit ~Lord Gravy[/b][/quote][quote][b]Op is ALWAYS lettuce ~The Nerd[/b][/quote][quote][b]Generally, don't be a dick ~Acro[/b][/quote][quote][b]Pie is better than cake ~pistol pete[/b][/quote][quote][b]Exist ~Davy Timns[/b][/quote][quote][b]Be nice and respectful to others no matter they’re beliefs ~Stache Man[/b][/quote][quote][b]You may date your cousin, but you must not marry them. ~RollTide[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't make long rambling posts about how terrible Offtopic is and how it used to be so much better ~Girraffalope[/b][/quote][quote][b]BNGHelp6 is our lord and savior ~Ravioli[/b][/quote][quote][b]Everyone you don't know shall be referred to as "literally who" under normal circumstances ~Ted[/b][/quote][quote][b]If you fart, no passing it off on your neighbor.
Pass it off on the person in front of you or behind you. ~Speaker[/b][/quote][quote][b]Take everything said with a grain of salt, everyone is on something when they come to Offtopic
[spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler][b] ~Aku[/b][/quote][quote][b]... Off-topic is... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler][b] ~Ult Loot Crate[/b][/quote]
Edited by indigo_rhodes: 7/13/2019 1:01:56 AMDon’t -blam!- with the older members. Unless they’re dicks about it, then feel free.
Be a sperg
Cheerios must be read to be a true member of offtopic
For the health and safety of the entirety of Offtopic, no one is to discuss “anyone here like Cheerios?” Seriously. That thing is dangerous.
[quote]Dont steal shit[/quote] That made me laugh [spoiler]perhaps you could join the void...[/spoiler]
Edited by Kittimu: 7/8/2019 9:26:19 PMit’s like they say. Don’t get into political debates, and don’t die, and also there’s no difference.
Rule number the last: There are no rules
no yelling, speaking, typing, sign language, grunts, sighs or hand written notes. all comments and questions should be directed to the closest brick wall. -these rules will not be enforced. all rule breakers should ignore everything they read so far.-
If you ever find yourself asking "should I post this", don't post it.
Always pet a baby raptor when you see one lonely and give it your middle finger to eat. Rampt
In the case that Destiny must be spoken of, it is to be referred to as Density.
Maintain peace between every sentient being, especially the Ninjas and Mods. If not, you’re asking for your demise. [spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]
... Also, traps are obviously gay... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Dont be a nerd loser who doesn't like anime
... Off-topic is... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Always observe our national holiday, porch day
Edited by The Spoken: 7/8/2019 5:28:04 PM
Take everything said with a grain of salt, everyone is on something when they come to Offtopic [spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler]
Edited by The Spoken: 7/7/2019 7:49:12 PMIf you fart, no passing it off on your neighbor. Pass it off on the person in front of you or behind you.
I don’t recall you being a part of me
Edited by ford-14-2004: 7/8/2019 5:03:58 PMI deleted this. Don’t ask.
Lurkers are everywhere, we see all and know all.
I wish there was one that was basically, "Don't talk about your weird ass fetishes and keep the relationship drama out of here."
Dmg is a traitor to offtopic
Edited by SancusXenon: 7/8/2019 3:33:40 PMIn regards to rule six, the weenis is actually the loose skin on your elbow.
Stories are good