Seeing as I'm apart of the Senate, sheriff, and Oracle, I have some connections to make this official. Every person can suggest one rule. I'll edit it in and we'll allow and deny those rules in the Senate group chat
[quote][b]No mention of the d word (destiny) ~Gabydo[/b][/quote][quote][b]Be generous with the catnip to the nekos and cat people ~Bopsheezi[/b][/quote][quote][b]Respect the ocean ~Orca[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't ask the attic for anything ~Toaster[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't make an unnecessary gimmick or steal one ~Pyre[/b][/quote][quote][b]When voting in a three option poll all citizens of OffTopic must endeavour to maintain a ratio in said poll results in accordance with the shape of a weenis (or pp). The preferred ratio of three option poll results should be 20%, 60%, 20%. However some margin of error is acceptable in accordance with clause 5 subsection (a) of the code of conduct. ~ZARDOS[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't say you're leaving lmao ~Iron ninja[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't steal shit ~Lord Gravy[/b][/quote][quote][b]Op is ALWAYS lettuce ~The Nerd[/b][/quote][quote][b]Generally, don't be a dick ~Acro[/b][/quote][quote][b]Pie is better than cake ~pistol pete[/b][/quote][quote][b]Exist ~Davy Timns[/b][/quote][quote][b]Be nice and respectful to others no matter they’re beliefs ~Stache Man[/b][/quote][quote][b]You may date your cousin, but you must not marry them. ~RollTide[/b][/quote][quote][b]Don't make long rambling posts about how terrible Offtopic is and how it used to be so much better ~Girraffalope[/b][/quote][quote][b]BNGHelp6 is our lord and savior ~Ravioli[/b][/quote][quote][b]Everyone you don't know shall be referred to as "literally who" under normal circumstances ~Ted[/b][/quote][quote][b]If you fart, no passing it off on your neighbor.
Pass it off on the person in front of you or behind you. ~Speaker[/b][/quote][quote][b]Take everything said with a grain of salt, everyone is on something when they come to Offtopic
[spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler][b] ~Aku[/b][/quote][quote][b]... Off-topic is... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler][b] ~Ult Loot Crate[/b][/quote]
Edited by The Spoken: 7/7/2019 7:49:12 PMIf you fart, no passing it off on your neighbor. Pass it off on the person in front of you or behind you.