originally posted in:Clan Finder
Just a friendly bunch of chilled guys that love raiding but due to some of our teams time zones it becomes a problem. We don't like LFG and would like to get to know some new people that we can raid with etc. You must own all the DLC and annual pass as we run every raid. We will obviously do other things than just raid but raiding is something we don't get to do as much as we like.
We would ideally like people from Europe (Male/Female) to join our main team and you must speak English. 17+ Years old and must have a decent mic. The main team is very active so If anyone is interested either send me a message on PSN which is JBomber- or simply reply to this post.
We at Black Fire would love to have u join us we do about 30 raids a week and a tone of events like comp menagerie / heroic zero hour / heroic gambit / prime and more we are a discord only clan if there is any events or raids u wont to do u need but ask and we can sort it out for u at any time here is our discord link even if u dont wont to join us feel free to come join our raids and events we are all so on the 100.io https://discord.gg/TvHcM36