I know I'm late to the boat, but I recently fell in love with the Twilight Oath. I have nearly every combination of the Beloved, but I've spent so much time with the Supremacy that I just can't wrap my head around the 90RPM archetype. I was averaging 6-7 sniper kills with the Beloved per match, but that immediately went to 9-10 with my new Twilight. I went into the Menagerie and got this roll:
Hammer Forged
Flared Magwell
Opening Shot
Boxed Breathing
Range Masterwork
Here are my questions for all of you. Is it worth going for the curated TO with snapshot? As a console player, how important is range on a sniper? Finally, what do you see as potential advantages to spending the time and getting familiar with the Beloved instead?
Fyi, I run enhanced sniper targeting and enhanced unflinching sniper aim.
Curated twilight is better than beloved if you have been using the supremacy. Snapshot > opening shot