So yeah. Thanks for leaving major glitches in to your content that supresses the players that don't immediately seek out guides and glitches on the web and rewards players that do.
Also why the hell do tributes cost so much? What is it like 12k glimmer and 240+ legendary shards?
Players are just getting the free tribute over and over again and planting it behind the statue where you would place the first tribute flag using an alt character until they reach the 50 limit. Then content creators are getting paid for 5-15 min videos that that cover what I just described in a sentence. Nice racket btw. Lame Bungle.
Edit: I got sick of seeing people get triggered by the word "punish" so I replaced it with "segregates" and "supresses". Those better describe the issue at hand. Also changed "as soon as the dlc drops" to "and rewards players that do" [Thanks Error37]
That should slow the Trolls down a little.
I'm doing legit in 42 triumphs. Just need 50k nf and infamy or valour grind. All else is done. It's a pain and I would have taken the glitch over this as there is zero new content for me and all of this is without raid.