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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
originally posted in:Clan Finder
7/14/2019 11:32:54 PM

PS4: I'm looking for an active clan, that can provide PVE/PVP opportunities for me as a player.

I'm an all round decent destiny 2 player, i'm dedicated and i will go out of my way to help people within the game. I have hit 750 and i main warlock, i'm just looking for a group that i can learn off, and enjoy that game along side. If you are interested in picking me please let me know it would be greatly appreciated. P.S i'm Australian As well Psn: ITZPumba4Short

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  • . ████▄▄▄▄ ▂▄▅█████▅▄▃▂ Il█████████████] ◥⊙▲⊙▲ ▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲▲◤ KADES DIRTY MISFITS WHO WE ARE: Mature players. 20+ of age. Open Minded. Patient. Willing to help and teach others. We use Discord app for all clan communications. Respectful to others. We play in a relaxed atmosphere. WHO WE ARE NOT: A clan that lies to its fellow guardians by saying they are active when they are not. We all have lives outside of this game that take priority. We don't judge players on their individual skill set. WE DO NOT MAKE YOU TAKE SOME STUPID TEST TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR MEMBERSHIP. ITS A CLAN NOT A JOB INTERVIEW. All time zones welcome. If your looking for a Level 6, PS4 clan that has a few laughs and shoots stuff. HOW TO FIND US Copy and Paste our link below onto your search engine and select join up

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  • Exploit™ is a new highly skilled hardcore endgame players for PVE/PVP. If your looking for people to play with daily this clan is for you. We're all about quality and not quantity. Sure we can just grab everyone and anyone and have 90+ members in a week. But quantity is just not what we want. So if your looking for a large clan filled with scrubs this isn't for you. Our requirements are 45+ full raid Clears or a 1.4kd. We make exceptions if your stats are good in raids. Currently at 10,293 Total raid clears our average is 210 per person. If you're looking for a clan that does. *Max Handicap Nightfalls *Dreaming City *Gambit *Raid Farms *Daily Raids *Day 1 Raids *Speed Runs *Title Grind *Forges *Quickplay *Comp *Gambit Prime *Reckoning Exploit™ is for you If you don't meet the requirements the exceptions are if you have less than 25 deaths per Last Wish Completion (Example I have 7.1 per completion) Also no more than 15 deaths per raid SoTP completion (Example I have 2.9 deaths per completion) Old Raid stats arn't an issue until they bring them forward to current Power Levels. No UK or European Players. No "D1 Vets"(Cool I played d1 day 1 and farmed loot cave see you don't care and I don't care that you played d1)This is a D2 endgame clan eventually going to be a D3 Endgame clan. If interested reply with your Raid Report and Destiny Trackers along with the time you play with time zone. If you don't read or follow the line above I will not reply.

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    • Obscura Luce is a brand new PS4 clan that is chill, friendly, and active. We help each other out, teach new players, and stay in touch with everyone so no one will feel out of place and will be accepted like everyone else. We are not serious players, we just want to have fun, make new friends, and a great clan. You must be 18+ Join our Discord Have a mic Be active and contribute Be chill and respectful If this sounds like the clan for you, let us know and we will get you in.

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