(Continuing from the end of Part 3.)
(After hearing the voices and sounds of laughter, Ronin makes his way down a dark staircase that leads further into the Firelink Shrine. Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, Ronin notices 3 human figures sitting at a wooden table together in what appears to be some sort of crappy tavern.)
Ham: *notices Ronin and gets up from his chair*. "Newcomer eh? This'll be interesting."
Ronin: *slowly appraoches Ham without taking his eyes away*. "I've discovered the result of my curiosity, let's just say I'm disappointed."
(Turning his back, Ronin attempts to walk away but is stopped abruptly as Ham holds him back with his hand on his shoulder.)
Ham: "That's not a good start to a long lasting friendship. If I were you, I'd stay awhile and talk."
Ronin: *brushes Ham's hand away and turns back around to face him*. "You're quick to assume it'll last long, but fine, I'll stay for a moment."
(Both Ham and Ronin sit down in their seats at the table, the three introducing themselves to Ronin and Ronin doing the same.)
Ems: *examines Ronin's gear*. "Warrior gear huh? That's a risky build to go with."
Ronin: *keeps his arms crossed as he speaks to the three*. "I never used to use melee weapons much, thought it'd be a nice change."
NIL: *leans back in her chair and curiously stares at Ronin*. "Tell us what you used to do now that you brought it up."
Ronin: *glances at NIL*. "What?"
NIL: "Uh, what you used to do?"
Ronin: *looks down at the table*. "Sorry, my mind isn't functioning right now...."
(Both Ems and Ham chuckle towards each other at Ronin's memory loss.)
Ronin: *gets up from the chair*. "I need to go somewhere."
Ham: "Yeah, no problem. Do what you need to do."
(Feeling awkward and confused, Ronin storms away from the table back up to the top of the Firelink Shrine, trying to regain his memory.)
Ronin: *holding his head as his memory starts to come back to him*. "What the hell.....as I was around those people I couldn't recall anything of my past...."
(Calming himself down and taking a second to look around the throne shrine circle room again, Ronin notices the bonfire in the center of the room is not lit up. As Ronin approaches the bonfire, Aleah who has been sitting on the steps for some time stands up and slowly walks up to the bonfire at the same time Ronin does.)
Ronin: *looks to Aleah*. "What are you doing?"
Aleah: *holding her arms behind her back and head down towards the bonfire*. "I am here to guide you once more on your journey. Reach out for the fire and it will appear to you, igniting the flame within the bonfire."
Ronin: *looks to the bonfire's sword and stares into it deeply*. "Is this a trick?"
Aleah: *doesn't speak*. "..."
(Reaching out and touching the coiled sword with his hand, the bonfire ignites with a small dying flame.)
Aleah: "The existence of life has been greatly weakened, the flame within the bonfire is small and slowly fading. Link the fire at the Kiln...."
Ronin: *examines the flame in his palm and then turns his eyes back to Aleah*. "What is the first flame? If Caius wasn't the true creator.....what is behind this never-ending fire?"
(Ignoring Ronin and turning away, Aleah walks back over to the stone steps and sits down, continuing to lower her head in silence.)
Ronin: *shakes his head and sighs*. "Fine, whatever then...."
(Reaching his hand towards the bonfire once again, Ronin becomes enveloped with fire and a red fog, warping somewhere unknown through the bonfire. As Ronin's vision clears, he has been transported to the Kiln of the First Flame. A realm of dark cathedrals buried in ash, thousands of weapons all stuck in the thick ash that lies on the ground, the sky above a dark gray with a black sun in the distance that glows around the edges with a red flame. At the bottom side of the eclipse is a red beam of light that appears to connect somewhere to the ground but, getting to wherever that beam connects seems impossible.)
(As Ronin brushes the ash from his body and examines the scenery with his eyes, Ronin notices a hill leading up somewhere to a landmark location that is the only path he is allowed to easily follow upon without falling to an inevitable doom. Taking this path up, Ronin arrives upon a stone platform that appears to be a former entrance to a building but now, destroyed and left wide open for the sky to gaze upon.)
(At the center of the landmark location Ronin notices a bonfire filled with much more flame and an entity sitting in front of it wearing cinder knight armor. As Ronin approaches the bonfire, the entity stands up and turns to look at Ronin.)
Ronin: *nervous tone in his voice*. "That bonfire.... it's different than the other, it's more like the one I found in the cave."
Cinder: *deep voice that almost sounds like the voice of fire*. "You remember me do you not? I have come, and I have gone, but I will always remain an adversary. This universe has so much that is undiscovered, a vasto lorde can destroy as much as it will but, there will always be light."
Ronin: "Who......are you exactly?"
Cinder: *looks to the bonfire*. "I am the soul of the first flame, the memory of all the times. Enigma was not alone during his time before the divine were born, he and I coexisted until Enigma decided to manifest Caius into reality. We had our disagreements about this act but, Enigma had his way and we parted."
Ronin: *appraoches the bonfire and stares into it*. "At this point, I'm not even going to question things that cross my mind. But, I do need to know, why am I linked to the flame? I'm no more than a divine, or I was."
Cinder: "Enigma created life and yet he does not seek to protect it all when it is in danger, he only seeks to save those he deems worthy. This, in my opinion is an unworthy ruler. He must be killed so that another that is not decided by his mind, can take his place and protect life."
Ronin: *curiously glances at Cinder*. "So, that is why you have chosen me?"
Cinder: *slowly nods*. "The Beyond, and the realm of Moonlight are mistakes that must be removed. It is the only way to bring about a world of happiness and without pain. You Ronin, are tired of loss. You lost Artemis, and all those below her, a world where one does not have to deal with that outcome must be created."
Ronin: *reaches for the coiled sword*. "You're right. I will do whatever it takes, I will take Enigma's place....."
Cinder: "All of my power is your's Ronin. Aleah will assist you when you return to her, she is afterall, apart of the flame."
(As Ronin grabs ahold of the hilt on the coiled sword, Ronin draws the sword from the bonfire and his body ignites with ashen fire, returning him back to the Firelink Shrine after his mind becomes foggy from the surge in power.)
Ronin: *sitting in front of the bonfire as he opens his eyes*. "Now the fight begins...."
(End of Part 4)
Bamp for cool story progression!