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7/16/2019 8:51:36 PM

Ambition's End // FINALE

Rest of the story: - “Damn, that's crazy.” Lacer looked over at the Taken beast, or rather, the storm that surrounded it. “Hey, you!” Lacer fired a burst of bullets from his machine gun at Tivik, but they were caught and thrown away by the ferocious Taken winds. He felt a sense of anger and hopelessness wash over him. “Well, that’s a bunch of crap.” He lowered his gun and lobbed a void grenade. With some struggle, it made its way through the barrier. “It hit!” Lacer pumped his fist. “It hit, but just barely. You only managed to scratch him.” His ghost observed, “moreover, he’s completely ignoring your attack.” “Where’s he going, then?” Lacer continued to watch the sphere of black go away from him. He heard Tivik’s heavy footsteps from within. “He’s heading to the Traveler’s final resting area. It’s probably because of the vast amount of light stored there! He wants to eat it all up!” Lacer’s ghost flashed an image of the structure of raised rocks at the center of the crater that lay on the edge of the Lost Oasis. “I don’t know what’ll happen if he consumes that much of the Traveler’s energy, but it can’t be good.” “I guess we have no choice, then.” Lacer scaled the cliffside with his lift, and landed next to his blind comrade. He saw the same flurry of Taken energy surround his friend’s head, and he recoiled at the sight. He wanted to help, but was unsure what exactly was going on with Zahir. “Wow, uh, he got ya good.” “That’s all you have to say?” “Right. Okay, Zahir. I’ve learned two things! One. Bullets are useless against his storm! Two. Light can go through, but my grenade barely reached his body. It was basically useless.” Lacer held two fingers in front of the exo. “So here’s what I’m thinking. Since you can’t see, we’ll have Bronze come in and use her light to drill through that shield, and crack Tivik’s head open. How’s that? I’m a genius, right?” “That’s a good idea, Lacer, but…” Zahir made an attempt to stand. “Bronze isn’t that fond of me after Phoros.” “Man, I’m sure she doesn’t hate you.” “Even so, it’d take a lot of convincing for her to do a favor for me. I’ll do it myself.” “No way, Zahir. If we’re doing this, we want it to work as planned. Can’t have a blind guy running point, now can we? Plus, a lot might be at stake. I’m sure she’ll get us and come help.” Lacer pushed Zahir back by the chest, standing up to his once leader. Something he hadn’t done before, until that day in the ice caves on Mars. Zahir sat back down, contemplating. “Fine.” He gave in. “Bronze, I need your help. Please.” Zahir’s own voice was muffled to himself by the Taken winds roaring around his head as he attempted to contact his student. “Oh, you need my help?” Bronze replied haughtily, “I thought your decisions were the best. You can take this on your own, right?” “Listen, Bronze, a lot is at stake, and I know that’s no excuse. I’m sorry. You’ve been thrown into this world for barely over a year, and I’ve been a bad role model. Sometimes, we make mistakes in our desperation, and it happens at the worst times. Nothing we can do about it now, but hope for the best. I hope you can forgive me. We need you.” “That’s all I needed to hear, but you’ll owe me a favor. What’s the plan? I’m flying over right now!” “As energetic as ever, I see.” Zahir patted at his darkened visor in realization of his contradiction. “I’ve already patched you in with Eltanin. She’ll tell you the rest.” He switched his comms to his friend down below him. “Lacer, is she coming?” “I’ve already arrived!” Ascella descended from her ship beside the defender, and waved up at Zahir. “Good. Ascella, follow Lacer, and help him keep Tivik clear of other Taken. We need to pinpoint Tivik’s exact location, and we need him to stay still.” “Taken? There’s no- oh.” Lacer watched as a mass of tortured souls marched their way toward the once Guardian Killer. “Here’s what’s happening, everyone. Using the coordinates Lacer’s ghost is capturing, Eltanin will determine where Bronze should position her ship, so that she can jump down onto Tivik with a thundercrash.” “The man with the plan! Just like old times.” Lacer gave a thumbs up as he pursued their slow moving target with Ascella in tow. “I dunno what you guys mean, but I’m pumped!” Bronze’s ship appeared at the edge of the Lost Oasis. She appeared on the roof of her ship, and began cracking her knuckles. “Got it, Eltanin. Alright, Zahir. Teach me how to thundercrash!” “Of course.” Zahir took a deep breath. In the distance, Ascella fired her shadowshot inside of Tivik’s shield, and retreated into Lacer’s ward of dawn. The arrow sliced clean through the dark barrier, and the telltale noise of a void anchor springing sounded, locking the massive Taken, and consequently, the storm, in place. the two defended themselves from a horde of Taken thrall. Their rounds glinted bright against the terrible storm directly behind them. “Performing a thundercrash is all about movement.” Eltanin rapidly fed Bronze’s ghost finely tuned directions. The little light hastily adjusted the angle and position of the ship that his guardian stood atop. “You’re stretching your fist toward a goal. A goal that’s physical. For you, right now, that’s Tivik.” Ascella caught a wounded Lacer on her shoulder as the ward of dawn dissipated. They both continued to fight desperately, pelted repeatedly by Taken bullets. “Jump, Bronze. Your hand is your guide. Point it at your goal.” The young titan leapt, and she felt all of her momentum shift into her outstretched arm. There was a soft screech of lightning, and she was sailing straight downward. “Zahir! Zahir! I’m doing it! I’m thundercrashing!” “Good job, Bronze. I’m proud.” The exo smiled. “Now you’re in perfect shape to sail straight through that storm. Remember, don’t miss. Ascella, Lacer, get out of there!” “On it!” Ascella leapt away, thrusting forward in midair with her legs. She tumbled behind a rock with Lacer on her back, and the two were now safe from gunfire. “Ohhh god, that’s embarrassing!” Lacer whined as his ghost healed his wounds. “Shut up! We got out alright, and that’s all that matters!” Ascella jokingly smacked the titan’s helmet. “Anyway, check out the grand finale.” She pointed up to a streak of blue energy that rapidly approached the ground from the sky. “That’s gonna be huge. I’m recording this. Zahir ain’t missing it.” Bronze’s journey down was reflected in Lacer’s visor. An explosion rocked the Lost Oasis, one that kicked up dust everywhere and shook the leafless trees. Zahir’s vision returned, just in time to see Tivik’s new form screech as it convulsed in death. (CONT IN COMMENTS + NOTE)

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  • CONT. The Eliksni felt his mind escape reality. “I failed. Is this… true freedom?” He thought back to all he had done. He promised his brother that they would meet again. He struggled to live as a lowly dreg. He reluctantly continued to kill lightbearers. He was not himself when he finally decided to destroy his past in order to upkeep his reputation with no regrets. And when his back was against the wall, when he was finally contested by Zahir, he knew, right then and there, with a cleared mind, that there was no way he could waver. He had to choose to continue killing. The path to redemption through cooperation with humanity was closed due to his past actions. He would take the bloody route. He completed the block in his memory, undone in death. Now, he regretted his choice. “That’s right. I am no Eliksni. How could I ever have been a savior to them? I am sorry, Vyksis. Perhaps if I joined another crew… perhaps if I weren’t so weak, I… no. Now is not the time for reminiscing. Carry on our dream, brother. The dream that I failed to see through.” With that, Tivik’s thoughts disappeared forever. - Zahir stood up and pat his hands. Before him was a makeshift grave marked by a strange looking rocket launcher labelled “wind rocket.” “Phoros, you did nothing but confuse me. I want to ask you why you hurt Eltanin, and why you decided to hunt Tivik. In the end, though, we wouldn’t have killed him if you didn’t initiate all of this.” He spoke to a long dead husk. “I feel nothing for you. That’s all I’ll say.” The titan walked away, leaving Phoros’ memory alone in a field of bones and rock. - “I’m back, and just in time to start making dinner.” The exo appeared at the door, to Eltanin’s delight. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” She went over and sunk into Zahir with a hug. “Great work.” “All I did was give orders. Thank them.” The titan pointed back to the group of guardians behind them. “You’re all here?” “Of course! We gotta celebrate!” Lacer grinned at the thought of having Zahir’s cooking. “It’s been a while. My taste buds are ready.” Ascella thought out loud. “Alright, everyone, sit down. It’ll be rolling out, and don’t ask me what I’m making. It’s a surprise.” Zahir walked over to the kitchen, and immediately began setting pots and pans on the stove. “So,” Lacer turned over to Bronze, who hadn’t spoken. “How’s thundercrashing? Yours looked real nice out there.” “You have no idea.” She clutched her wrist. “It still feels like I’m charging. I love it!” “That’s what I thought when I first got the bow.” Ascella flexed a tendril of void energy in her palm. “You’ll get used to it, sweetheart.” “Hey, by the way. I wanna check out your room, Eltanin!” Bronze leaned over the table and startled the ex-warlock. “My room? I just moved in! There’s barely anything there!” She shook her hands. “Oh, come on. I wanna see anyway. We’re going.” “I’ll go, too.” Ascella stood up and lead the other two. “I’ll stay here.” Lacer put his hands behind his head and leaned in his chair. “Just like old times.” He filled the spots in the table with his fallen friends. He saw Zahir’s personal fireteam near the back end of the table. Kale-8, the hunter, flicked at the annoyed warlock, Heather’s hair, as she attempted to study a Crucible rulebook. Saiph, the hunter, looked out of a window, bored and uninterested, as the warlock Vira attempted to explain one of his theories of the Hive. “I hope you’re doing good, Saiph, wherever you are. The rest of you, too.” The four guardians disappeared from their chairs in Lacer’s mind as Zahir set a pot down onto the table. “Hey, you three, get out here. Appetizer’s ready.” The exo called. - Hey all, thanks to anyone who's been reading or has read Ambition's End. My next project's gonna be called "Tales of a Mars Sentry Season 2", so stay tuned for that! TMS Season 1:

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