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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
7/17/2019 2:21:26 AM

In need of new clan

Hi everyone! I really am in need of a new clan. My current clan has not played together truly in a year. I truly loved raiding in D1. I’m not opposed to crucible but I do 100% prefer PvE. I’m a father of two, and work in sales for a living. However, I am on everyday and play as much as I can. If you think I would be a good fit for your clan, please send me an invite. I really would love to raid for the first time in D2 (I’ve had it since release). Thank you!

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  • Thanks again everyone for your interest. I have found a clan and again, couldn’t be more thankful for such an awesome community.

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  • Are you looking for a group of people play destiny 2 with on Xbox One on a regular basis? Then we may have what you are looking for! The Last Vengeance (TLV) is a group that mainly focuses on endgame content while having fun. TLV is currently preparing for Shadowkeep, so we are looking to recruit people that will be available, so that we are able to do all the content bungie has to offer. You don’t have to be experienced in all the content we can teach so don’t worry we are just looking for people who would like to play content with us. We have Max clan XP every week We get all engrams every week Max clan Level every season We have obtained all clan banners for every season too Overall, we are a laid back community who are just happy to play Destiny with others who are as passionate about the game as we are. Requirements: Must be mature (no age limit) Must be from US/UK Must be active on Destiny 2 Must join Discord Must be Active on Discord Must be Chill Unfortunately we do not accept new people to destiny 2 into the clan as we have had them join and take advantage of free loot or they leave once we help them with quests. Sorry for the inconvenience... Clan link Discord link We hope you consider us! And we hope to see you in destiny 2! - The Last Vengeance -

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  • Hey if your looking to join an active xbox 1 team we would like to have you. We are an adults only clan and our only requirements are must have a mic, must be 21 or older, and join our discord channel. We do pve, pvp, raids you name it. We don't care about stats or how good or bad you think you are we play for the enjoyment of it You can check us out by clicking the link below:

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  • FORSAKEN GUARDIANS UK LV6 clan We don’t ask much to join our clan but a few things are essential and mandatory to join us: -PS4 Only -Play UK GMT hours -mid 20s and older (no limit) -English speaking -have a mic and join party’s -Join our very simple discord server -be active anytime from reset to next reset, we dont have xp/activity quotas just play as you want - if not going to be active for 7 days or more then inform admin - Be respectful to fellow clan mates of you cause issues you will be removed. We don’t have elitist players were all the same in the clan, we just have a laugh at each other’s expense, we have a great set of lads with no hassle and no dramas. If you join and are a disruption then you are not for us. We have already got numerous 1st raid completions for our new players in all raids thanks to our excellent sherpas. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE READ THEN REQUEST TO JOIN US.

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  • Looking for a newly built, active clan? Well, looks like Guardians of Oath is just the clan for you Guardian. The Guardians of the Oath is an [b]18+ ADULT, XBOX ONLY[/b] clan who are currently seeking out [b]ACTIVE ONLY[/b] Destiny members who are looking to become apart of a community and work towards a common goal with various Guardians on their side. As a diverse clan, we scale from various different places around the world, those being anyone from the US/UK/CANADA, etc, therefore, we always have players online and available during all hours of the day. As a team, we range from any type of gameplay desired by Guardians, that being anything PVE, PVP, or Endgame content. Ranging from these 3 specific categories, we have various roles setup in our unique discord that adheres to these types of gameplay. These roles are our clans LEADERS in these specific categories, we also have TAGS that fall under these categories for people who are also highly skilled, but are NOT required to assist when people ask for help. They are just Guardians who are there for an extra hand or seek out other skilled players in this category with the specific TAG. → Looking for any PVE related content, that being strikes, story missions, lost sectors, quests, adventures, patrols, public events, etc well, thats where our @VANGUARD tag comes into play. These are Guardian(s) who are heavily involved in anything PVE related and also have above average knowledge in skill when it comes to this sort of content. → is PVP your thing? Perfect, we’ve got the leader just for you. That is where our @LEGEND role takes a step in. These are Guardians who are highly skilled in anything PVP related, that being all the PVP playlists and even gambit invading. So, these are the Guardians you can seek out in our Discord if you have ANY questions regarding PVP content. → We also have our WARLORD tag that falls under PVP for people who are just looking to be apart of a private channel for skilled PVP players but are NOT required to step-in when people ask for help. That is why we call this a TAG not a role. → What about Gambit, well, thats where our @DREGDEN Guardian is here for. Again, these are individuals who have the skill and knowledge to anything Gambit related, as well as every playlist in the Gambit section. So be sure to give these guys a shout if you’re looking for our helping hand. → Last but not least, we cannot forget our Destiny Sherpa’s. These are the Guardians people can seek out when looking for endgame specific content. These individuals are highly skilled in every raid and have the capability to bring others through the raid with the patience and knowledge to teach beginners step-by-step every encounter of the raid. There is a lot more to the clan, but that is what our Discord is there for so people can checkout our channels and the information provide by myself, the Founder, and my Co-Founder. If interested, do not hesitate to contact me about joining and I will gladly send you both and clan and Discord invite. Our community is excited to continue to build our clan and bring in new players everyday to fill in the empty spots. Happy Hunting Guardians! → SPECIAL NOTE ← We are actively seeking out EXPERIENCED raiders who would like to dedicate their time to become apart of an active raiding group amongst the Guardians of Oath. That being said, we are looking for players who have a strong ground on every raid mechanic and are looking to clear various raids within just a few hours. In our Discord, we have a designated PRIVATE channel setup for our experienced raiders with our special clan tag “Shadow.” As a new clan we are continuing to look to expand our numbers in our designated “raid-team” to strengthen our Guardians, thereby pushing us towards interacting in upcoming raids to attempt an Xbox “world’s first” clear within 24 hours of a raid launch. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me so I can send you an invite to both our clan and Discord. People are also more than welcome to join the Discord for a certain time length and make a decision whether they’d like to be apart of the clan. - ThatsVVack

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  • Rogue Assassins of Light (RAL) is looking for Seasonal and new players. No stat requirements just be active we can work on the rest. Chill group, no drama just play. Must have discord.

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  • [u][b]Lets Welcome Everyone To Season 7, The Season of Opulence.[/b][/u] A Clan is like a gaming family and that's what we are We Help and look out for each other regardless in raids/crucible/milestones We are not a "Focused Trials Clan" We are a Mixed Bunch Our Personalities are extraordinarily different that is what makes us awesome. This Clan has been alive and well since Season 1. And we are open to meeting new people and new faces. Those who are oblivious to Destiny overall. No worries! We Definitely have time for those to teach and grind the ways of Destiny. As you can say We are Definitely the Sherpa Clan. Yes, People. Sherpa. :] Our Rules are Very Simple Don't go offline for more than 2 weeks. And Don't be Disrespectful. Yes, we may not agree on things but who really does?. This is a place where we can Game and Talk all the Gaming crap we can. We Are PDT/UK/EST Friendly [b] We Communicate Through Web Application/Mobile Application Try us out. I am sure you won't regret it [/b] [b]Direct Clan Link: [url][/url] When Submitting: Send a Msg to Me to Confirm the Request Make Sure you leave any current clan your in before applying [/b] [b] Check out our Clan-Intro Season 5. Short 30 Seconds [url][/url][/b] [u]Can not Wait To See You, Guardian.[/u]

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  • Greetings guardian, we are a small-medium sized clan, (3 weeks old) currently have 35 members with 300+ raid completions between us. We are looking for 15 more Guardians to join us. [u](We are closing the clan at 50 until we've all got to know each other)[/u] We were part of a bigger clan but due to permanent teams being formed we decided to part ways & focus on what clans are really about. (All the players) We're looking at getting all members involved with activities not just the same 6 people over & over. We can help you through raids and also enjoy pvp too (although we're not sweats but we do try our best) UK based, PS4, 21+ Clan page: We also will be allowing non members a social "community" space to come & hang out in our discord, DM me for invite everyone welcome

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  • Its so Glitchy is a clan that has been around since the Vault of glass raid in D1. Over the years we have changed the name but the values remained the same. We were once over 100 members and had to start a second clan. With a large clan comes larger issues and due to that fact and the values that the clan was founded on being pushed aside, I decided to disband and start a new with the morals in tact. I have started over again after giving the old clan to the members.  I am in search of mature, respectful, helpful, trusting, down to earth, relaxed and fun guardians to join this small family oriented clan and be a group that we all can be proud of. I need strong Raiders and pvp players that can sherp along with casual chill players. Ideally you would be Eastern time zone based, but absolutely all are welcome. Like I said.  We are small, but get things done and want you to join us and help us build something great.

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  • Oh wow!! Everyone who has shown interest - Thank you!!!!! I am beyond thankful. I will read through and go from there. Thanks again!

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  • [XB1 Clan] Simulation Theory is recruiting social players looking for a community focused clan. [b]Who we’re looking for:[/b] - Players that like grouping up with other people and making new friends. This is our main goal, and we use discord to help everyone organize grouping up. [b]Discord is mandatory[/b]. - If you have raid clears, we would love to have you. Doesn’t have to be in the latest raid, but having raid clears signals to us that you’ve put the effort into getting into the hardest content in the game. We would like to have as many players raiding weekly as possible. - PvP focused players are welcome, we already have a number of comp players, but we will always welcome more PvP players. [b]Who we are:[/b] We’re current a Xbox only clan of 38 members, with a focus on both PvP and PvE. We are all adults, with most of the membership in their 30s. We ask that new members be over the age of 20. Our goal is to be a clan that feels like a community of friends, and we’re always working toward that goal as we grow. We do not have cliques, and everyone is open to playing with anyone. Please don’t join if you’re just looking to play solo and collect clan engrams. [b]Join up below:[/b]

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  • Hey Guardian! If you're looking to join a solid [XBOX] clan, then you should read about us. Who and what is Lucifer’s Lucky Hammer? First and foremost….we are NOT a satanic cult! Our clan was named after a book titled “Lucifer’s Hammer” which is set in a similar Destiny post-apocalyptic time. Check it out sometime! I’d like to start by saying that we’re a fun, helpful and knowledgeable group of nerds and geeks who enjoy Destiny and happen to love unleashing bad-assery unto others….except for allies of course. From PvE & PvP to Raids and all end game content in between…..we’ll be there to help YOU achieve your milestones and goals! Most of the clan is from the U.S. with the remainder of our other members gaming from the UK, EU, Canada, Africa, South America and Asia. Our clan members’ skills range from beginner to Sherpa-Quality veterans. If you need advice or help, our knowledgeable and skilled admin team can assist you. We don’t ask much of our clan members except that joining our Discord is not only required, but is our main form of communication. Our Discord server name is “Lucifers Lucky Hammer”, where we communicate, share ideas & strategies, check stats, join & create LFG activities, post memes, videos, and listen to music. Our resident bots are Charlemagne and Rhythm. All clan members are expected to leave their egos and negative attitudes at the door. We have a zero tolerance for elitist attitudes, bullying or anything offensive. We encourage you to be as active as your schedule allows. We regularly monitor clan activity in order to keep the community lively and active. There is a 21 day removal rule unless pre-arrangements are made with the Lead Admins. So, if you're ready to join our family, then accept the invitation or ask for one ASAP. Our clan fills up quickly! Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll consider joining our group!

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  • FORSAKEN GUARDIANS UK LV6 clan We don’t ask much to join our clan but a few things are essential and mandatory to join us: -PS4 Only -Play UK GMT hours -mid 20s and older (no limit) -English speaking -have a mic and join party’s -Join our very simple discord server -be active anytime from reset to next reset, we dont have xp/activity quotas just play as you want - if not going to be active for 7 days or more then inform admin - Be respectful to fellow clan mates of you cause issues you will be removed. We don’t have elitist players were all the same in the clan, we just have a laugh at each other’s expense, we have a great set of lads with no hassle and no dramas. If you join and are a disruption then you are not for us. We have already got numerous 1st raid completions for our new players in all raids thanks to our excellent sherpas. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE READ THEN REQUEST TO JOIN US.

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  • WE ARE REBEL ALLIANCE UK! Join us in Season of Opulence! Check out our clan! We're UK/EU based, on Xbox, have daily/weekly raids and other activities and are recruiting members now! All we ask is that you be: - 18+ and UK/EU based (no US or worldwide players) - on Xbox - Active on Discord Join via the link below to get started! Our Discord -

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  • Hey man, we’re an adult clan looking looking for guardians. We play all content and have ppl in all time zones. We use discord, if interested send msg, if you don’t know how to do a raid, we ll teach you. Clan first 🐺🐺

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  • WE ARE REBEL ALLIANCE UK! Join us in Season of Opulence! After removing a lot of inactive members were once again recruiting for players. If you’re interested in weekly Raids, nightfalls and activities then look no further than The Rebel Alliance! We can offer you the following; 100k NF Shattered Throne runs Last wish Scourge of the past Crown of sorrow Seals and triumph runs. All we ask is that you are: - 18+ and UK/EU based (no US or worldwide players) - on Xbox - Active on Discord Join via the link below to get started! Our discord -

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  • Hi GoldenEagle. You haven't mentioned a location or platform, but if you're EU and PC then take a look at Calus Upskirt Clan:

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  • Looking for a newly built, active clan? Well, looks like Guardians of Oath is just the clan for you Guardian. The Guardians of the Oath is an [b]18+ ADULT, XBOX ONLY[/b] clan who are currently seeking out ACTIVE Destiny members who are looking to become apart of a community and work towards a common goal with various Guardians on their side. As a diverse clan, we scale from various different places around the world, those being anyone from the US/UK/CANADA, etc, therefore, we always have players online and available during all hours of the day. As a team, we range from any type of gameplay desired by Guardians, that being anything PVE, PVP, or Endgame content. Ranging from these 3 specific categories, we have various roles setup in our unique discord that adheres to these types of gameplay. These roles are our clans LEADERS in these specific categories, we also have TAGS that fall under these categories for people who are also highly skilled, but are NOT required to assist when people ask for help. They are just Guardians who are there for an extra hand or seek out other skilled players in this category with the specific TAG. → Looking for any PVE related content, that being strikes, story missions, lost sectors, quests, adventures, patrols, public events, etc well, thats where our @VANGUARD tag comes into play. These are Guardian(s) who are heavily involved in anything PVE related and also have above average knowledge in skill when it comes to this sort of content. → is PVP your thing? Perfect, we’ve got the leader just for you. That is where our @LEGEND role takes a step in. These are Guardians who are highly skilled in anything PVP related, that being all the PVP playlists and even gambit invading. So, these are the Guardians you can seek out in our Discord if you have ANY questions regarding PVP content. → We also have our WARLORD tag that falls under PVP for people who are just looking to be apart of a private channel for skilled PVP players but are NOT required to step-in when people ask for help. That is why we call this a TAG not a role. → What about Gambit, well, thats where our @DREGDEN Guardian is here for. Again, these are individuals who have the skill and knowledge to anything Gambit related, as well as every playlist in the Gambit section. So be sure to give these guys a shout if you’re looking for our helping hand. → Last but not least, we cannot forget our Destiny Sherpa’s. These are the Guardians people can seek out when looking for endgame specific content. These individuals are highly skilled in every raid and have the capability to bring others through the raid with the patience and knowledge to teach beginners step-by-step every encounter of the raid. There is a lot more to the clan, but that is what our Discord is there for so people can checkout our channels and the information provide by myself, the Founder, and my Co-Founder. If interested, do not hesitate to contact me about joining and I will gladly send you both and clan and Discord invite. Our community is excited to continue to build our clan and bring in new players everyday to fill in the empty spots. Happy Hunting Guardians! → SPECIAL NOTE ← We are actively seeking out EXPERIENCED raiders who would like to dedicate their time to become apart of an active raiding group amongst the Guardians of Oath. That being said, we are looking for players who have a strong ground on every raid mechanic and are looking to clear various raids within just a few hours. In our Discord, we have a designated PRIVATE channel setup for our experienced raiders with our special clan tag “Shadow.” As a new clan we are continuing to look to expand our numbers in our designated “raid-team” to strengthen our Guardians, thereby pushing us towards interacting in upcoming raids to attempt an Xbox “world’s first” clear within 24 hours of a raid launch. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me so I can send you an invite to both our clan and Discord. People are also more than welcome to join the Discord for a certain time length and make a decision whether they’d like to be apart of the clan. - ThatsVVack

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  • Good Ømens 95 members UK based US and EU players Active clan All activities Weekly raids All skill levels 18+ adult clan PS4

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  • Hi GoldenEagle, I'm an admin for THE IRON WOLVES, an Xbox only clan, and we are currently recruiting. If you're interested in signing up, then join our discord channel where you will have access to all our clan members, lfg creation and news feeds and guides. After a few days, assuming you've made an effort to play with members of the clan, you will be invited to join the full clan. We run all activities on a regular basis and take on players of all skill levels. We regularly run raids and have some members who play comp PvP fairly regularly too. Your personal circumstances match quite a lot of our members, myself included (3 kids, professional job), so you'd find a lot of people understanding of your circumstances. If your'e interested, just hop straight into our discord using the following link -

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  • Edited by chandiiiii: 7/17/2019 5:04:45 AM
    Hey! Outcasts of Angelic [XB1/NA] is recruiting! About us: Clan Page: [url][/url] Discord Server: Given upon approval to clan We are a small Xbox One clan that recently underwent a devastating purge. We are comprised of casual players, with jobs, families, and other varying outside responsibilities so we understand life can get in the way sometimes. We hope to do all activities (gambit, crucible, raids, nightfall, etc) together and have a great time! We're looking for active members +18 on Xbox One. All skill levels are welcome! Heres our rules: -Be respectful -Join the discord -Be willing to communicate and work well with each other -Be active at least once a week -Have the Destiny App installed -Contribute -Have fun If you are +18 and want to join our clan shoot me a message! Please do not just send a request to join the clan.

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