originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hi everyone!
I really am in need of a new clan. My current clan has not played together truly in a year. I truly loved raiding in D1. I’m not opposed to crucible but I do 100% prefer PvE. I’m a father of two, and work in sales for a living. However, I am on everyday and play as much as I can.
If you think I would be a good fit for your clan, please send me an invite. I really would love to raid for the first time in D2 (I’ve had it since release). Thank you!
[XB1 Clan] Simulation Theory is recruiting social players looking for a community focused clan. [b]Who we’re looking for:[/b] - Players that like grouping up with other people and making new friends. This is our main goal, and we use discord to help everyone organize grouping up. [b]Discord is mandatory[/b]. - If you have raid clears, we would love to have you. Doesn’t have to be in the latest raid, but having raid clears signals to us that you’ve put the effort into getting into the hardest content in the game. We would like to have as many players raiding weekly as possible. - PvP focused players are welcome, we already have a number of comp players, but we will always welcome more PvP players. [b]Who we are:[/b] We’re current a Xbox only clan of 38 members, with a focus on both PvP and PvE. We are all adults, with most of the membership in their 30s. We ask that new members be over the age of 20. Our goal is to be a clan that feels like a community of friends, and we’re always working toward that goal as we grow. We do not have cliques, and everyone is open to playing with anyone. Please don’t join if you’re just looking to play solo and collect clan engrams. [b]Join up below:[/b] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3708848