originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hi everyone!
I really am in need of a new clan. My current clan has not played together truly in a year. I truly loved raiding in D1. I’m not opposed to crucible but I do 100% prefer PvE. I’m a father of two, and work in sales for a living. However, I am on everyday and play as much as I can.
If you think I would be a good fit for your clan, please send me an invite. I really would love to raid for the first time in D2 (I’ve had it since release). Thank you!
Its so Glitchy is a clan that has been around since the Vault of glass raid in D1. Over the years we have changed the name but the values remained the same. We were once over 100 members and had to start a second clan. With a large clan comes larger issues and due to that fact and the values that the clan was founded on being pushed aside, I decided to disband and start a new with the morals in tact. I have started over again after giving the old clan to the members. I am in search of mature, respectful, helpful, trusting, down to earth, relaxed and fun guardians to join this small family oriented clan and be a group that we all can be proud of. I need strong Raiders and pvp players that can sherp along with casual chill players. Ideally you would be Eastern time zone based, but absolutely all are welcome. Like I said. We are small, but get things done and want you to join us and help us build something great. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3781828