originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hi everyone!
I really am in need of a new clan. My current clan has not played together truly in a year. I truly loved raiding in D1. I’m not opposed to crucible but I do 100% prefer PvE. I’m a father of two, and work in sales for a living. However, I am on everyday and play as much as I can.
If you think I would be a good fit for your clan, please send me an invite. I really would love to raid for the first time in D2 (I’ve had it since release). Thank you!
Greetings guardian, we are a small-medium sized clan, (3 weeks old) currently have 35 members with 300+ raid completions between us. We are looking for 15 more Guardians to join us. [u](We are closing the clan at 50 until we've all got to know each other)[/u] We were part of a bigger clan but due to permanent teams being formed we decided to part ways & focus on what clans are really about. (All the players) We're looking at getting all members involved with activities not just the same 6 people over & over. We can help you through raids and also enjoy pvp too (although we're not sweats but we do try our best) UK based, PS4, 21+ Clan page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3798833 We also will be allowing non members a social "community" space to come & hang out in our discord, DM me for invite everyone welcome https://discord.gg/yZV2uEH