So, I've been reading all over the web to compile the information I could find regarding the recent issue with Ryzen 3000 and Destiny 2 not booting. Needless to say, this is a huge inconvenience for a lot of people including myself that upgraded to Zen2.
Now what I gather is that it's an issue with RDRand, an instruction that does a random data read. I also hear that this is depreciated. And if that is the case, why is bungie using it in the first place?
Either way, I'm not a game developer, and I don't understand the difficulty of updating a game code to avoid a deprecated instruction. But if it's left to AMD to release a non buggy version of Agesa, It may take months for even X570 owners to see the fix, let alone X470 or B450. I think bungie needs to get on this and start considering a workaround in their code for this problem otherwise they are going to loose players.
How do we make this happen?
Its a known issue that is probably one that will be a difficult fix.