I am officially sad.
When will my Jötunn be able to generate orbs. When will my sweet Jötunn tell me how many beasts it has slayed. When will my rifle matter if I keep it or not.
I really really really need to get the catalyst for this weapon soon. Before all the other fusion rifles kill counts get to crazy to catch up. Show my wrist rocket some love.
Best regards Jötunn number 1 fan.
Catalyst : Designed by S4T4N 1) - Reduced Charge Time to 420 and increased tracking by 100%. 2) - Fires Dual projectiles that can track one single Target relentlessly, or track two individual targets aggressively. 3) - Impact creates a massive AoE solar burn and impact crater grows core crystals. 4) - Each kill returns 1 round to the Magazine and 10 Shards to your inventory. 5) - Two Fire modes can be engaged - Charge mode fires 2 Rounds, or Burst mode - fires slugs in all directions at maximum range but does not track. - Kills with burst mode reduced your chances of getting into Heaven.