I made the mistake of playing Way of the Sharpshooter yesterday during IB. It is actually the worst class in the game hands down.
So first, the grenade are mediocre at best. Swarm is literally skip, but worse. Incendiary is extremely unforgiving in terms of max damage radius. Tripmine is a joke. I have a clip from yesterday where I kill 2 guys and then get pushed by a third. I knew I was gonna die, so I stuck a tripmine to the wall before I do. Then, my blueberry shoots the guy, who then activates my tripmine and dies. But guess what? The feed counted it as an architects kill for my blue. That's right. Didn't even count as an ability kill for my bounty.
The throwing knife is cool and all, but it didn't count as an ability kill for the bounty either. It also has a weird hitbox where you see your knife literally unicorning someone as they run off, but it didn't count as a precision hit. Knife juggler is really nice.
Then there's the class abilities where precision hits decrease your super cooldown. This decrease is hardly noticeable and adds virtually no benefits to the neutral game of this subclass. No synergy. No game changing reward for doing certain things. Nothing. I got my super faster by going on shotgun sprees than I did going on sprees with Ace of Spades.
Then, the super. Don't even get me started. Way of the Sharpshooter has 3 shots that have accuracy dropoff due to range when Way of the Outlaw has 6 shots that have no accuracy dropoff at all. The hit detection for WotS is actually atrocious. I never got more than 2 or 3 kills a game with my super yesterday because the shot literally just ghosted. I know for a fact if I was using 6 shot goldy, all those shots would've hit. You also have to get a precision hit with it to kill a super. Normally I'd be okay with this, but the hit detection is so bad you either get a body shot or miss entirely, unless the super is a fairly short distance away.
Changes I'd like to see:
1. The super needs GG combustion like in D1, but only on precision kills. The combustion damage should be able to kill any guardian. Anything killed by the explosion should also explode. Same goes for PvE.
2. Stickiness and range need to be identical to 6 shot goldy.
3. Precision hits decreasing your super cooldown needs to be more noticeable.
4. Precision hits should increase the stability of your weapon similar to rapid hit or Gunslinger's Trance from D1. Make us FEEL our subclass.
5. This golden gun should over penetrate targets. Maybe in general, but I'm thinking only on precision hits.
Got all the gear from crown of sorrows in 2 runs