So I was taking my sheets off my bed when I encountered a crow in my window hole (large cubby hole sorta thing, can’t really explain it). It appeared to be injured, as its wing was dragging behind it. It couldn’t fly higher than a foot in the air. So I went outside, took the bird out of the hole, as it was trying to jump out. And my suspicions were confirmed.
It’s wing was broken. How I wonder, I will never know. Now I have no training in wildlife conservation. So all I could do was hold the bird and calm it. Eventually I decided to just take it to the vet down the block always from my building. And left it there. Not knowing for certain if they could even help it. I’ll miss the little guy...
I don’t want to say this but I have to... [spoiler]They probably put it down cause it’s a crow. [/spoiler]