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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Grays_KS27: 9/13/2019 11:01:13 PM

Tyrants Ch.33: Cage

[url=]Table of Contents[/url] Natalia couldn’t take her eyes off of the doors. Anticipation swelled inside her, and even sitting still was becoming a challenge. But she kept herself in check. The aches of her body hadn’t subsided, and wearing a full set of armor did nothing to ease her suffering. All she could do was find a position in her throne that caused her the least discomfort and let her body rest. The gunfire had stopped only moments before, but every second that passed stretched into an eternity. Very soon, an army bent on Natalia’s destruction would come through those doors. Oliver, Hannah and Caden were all dead now. Of that there was no doubt. Natalia wished they hadn’t decided to fight. If only they had stayed by her side with the hope of living through all this. But any feelings of longing for them were already fading. To Natalia they were the most recent entries in a long list of dead family. Her parents, Markos, Hayden’s parents. She would see them all again when she met her end. The pain eating away at her body was a constant reminder that she wouldn’t have to wait very long. Hayden stood right beside her throne, staring anxiously at the door. He had been a nervous wreck since the sound of the first gunshot. But he hadn’t left her side. Natalia pulled her gaze away from the doors and looked at Hayden. They had been through so much. Together they had grown up, lost their families, fought tyrants, slain monsters, faced death. He never abandoned her. She doubted the thought had ever crossed his mind. Nothing could keep him away from her. All her life Natalia had felt that the world was against her. Crippled by sickness, everyone she’d ever loved dead, aliens and humans alike destroying what little she had. Surely the universe wanted to make sure there was no end to her suffering. But Hayden was always there for her. Hayden noticed Natalia watching him and met her eyes, his worry showing on his face. Neither said a word. There was so much she wanted to say to him. But now wasn’t the time. She didn’t know if there ever would be a time, and it was her fault. She’d let him follow her to this end, had made him share in her suffering. After all he had done, all the love he had given, he didn’t deserve such punishment. Natalia had made a promise to herself; she would never make Hayden suffer again. And she intended to keep that promise. The sound of squealing metal tore Natalia from her bleak thoughts. She and Hayden broke eye contact and looked to the massive doors ahead of them. Ancient hinges creaked loudly as one door swung inwards, only opening a crack before stopping. No one entered. Nothing could be seen through the slender opening between the great doors. Natalia reached out and took Hayden’s hand, holding it delicately. His fingers curled around hers in a gentle squeeze. She cherished the feeling for only a moment, then retracted her hand and called out to the unseen enemy, “We surrender!” Seconds passed with no answer, then the voice of a man called back, “How many o’ you are there?” “Two! We’re unarmed!” A pause, then the door creaked a little more as a man slipped in. He wore quality armor and his helmeted head swiveled to check every corner of the room. The barrel of his hand cannon leveled on Natalia as he took cautious steps towards them. “Hands,” he grunted tersely, holding up his free hand to demonstrate, “Up.” Hayden slowly raised his hands. Natalia did the same, biting her tongue as the ache in her chest flared with newfound strength. The man stopped in front of them, examining them closely. “Lady Natalia?” He inquired. Natalia smiled politely, “That’s me.” “You look terrible,” the man observed, then introduced himself as an afterthought, “I’m Daedalus.” “Lord Daedalus?” Natalia blinked in surprise, lowering her arms, “Um, nice to meet you-” “IT’S CLEAR!” Daedalus shouted without warning, making both Natalia and Hayden flinch. The doors opened further, revealing eight armored individuals in the weapon-filled entryway. Avery and Brenon came in first, followed by the other six. Natalia smiled, “Welcome back, Avery. Thanks for accepting my surrender.” “Don’t thank me yet,” Avery dismissed, stopping beside Daedalus with Brenon, “Any sign of a trap and we’ll kill you.” “Fair enough,” Hayden grunted. The six gunmen split up, moving in pairs to the three hallways at the back of the throne room. Natalia beamed at Avery. The Exo must have memorized the layout of the fortress during her previous visits, and had given her gunmen instructions before they even entered the building. Natalia looked up to Avery -ironic, considering how much taller than the diminutive Exo she was- and couldn’t help but marvel at her brilliance. Now only Avery, Brenon and Daedalus stood before Natalia and Hayden. “You look sick,” Avery commented. Natalia sunk into her seat wearily, “I am.” “Not contagious, is it?” Daedalus asked. “Hereditary,” Natalia corrected. “Light,” Brenon swore. Avery’s eyes roved over Natalia, “Symptoms?” Natalia took a deep breath, “Severe anemia.” “Anemia?” Brenon echoed. “My body doesn’t get enough oxygen,” Natalia explained, absentmindedly rattling off the list Markos had made her memorize as a child, “Fatigue, weakness, paleness, faintness, shortness of breath, chest pain-“ “Nat,” Hayden cut in, giving her a concerned look. Brenon‘s brow furrowed, “Traveler…” “Enough,” Hayden interjected, “We’re surrendering. Let’s get it over with.” Natalia wanted to hug him. Even now, when they had lost and she lay before their enemies like a dying fish gasping for water, Hayden was trying his best to be strong for her. “Strangest surrender I ever saw,” Daedalus scoffed. “Sorry,” Natalia sighed, “I don’t have any practice.” Daedalus huffed, a sound almost like a laugh, “So I’ve heard. Never lost, clever, fight to the death, annoyingly perky. You haven’t been living up to the legend.” “I could say the same to you,” Natalia retorted, “I heard Lord Daedalus was too cowardly to leave Empyrea.” Daedalus nodded slightly, “Touché.” “It’s only the two of you?” Avery asked, ending the idle talk. “Yeah,” Natalia confirmed. “So why,” Avery pressed, “Did Oliver, Caden and Hannah die at the front door?” “They figured you’d kill us all, surrender or not,” Hayden answered, his distaste of the whole situation showing, “They wanted to die fighting.” “I suppose that makes you the smart one,” Daedalus muttered. “No,” Hayden denied, “I think you’ll kill us. But if I die, I’ll die with Nat.” Brenon lowered his head, “Oh…” “I won’t kill you,” Avery sighed, “I suppose we’re all falling short of our legends today.” Natalia beamed, “I told them you wouldn’t kill us.” “What, does that make us all friends now or somethin’?” Daedalus mumbled, holstering his revolver. “No,” Avery refuted, “You‘ve caused too much trouble, Natalia. We won’t let you get off easy.” Natalia nodded, shifting for comfort in her throne and slipping a hand behind her back, “That’s fair.” “What’re you gonna do?” Hayden challenged, “Lock us in cages for the rest of our lives?” Natalia frowned at his choice of words. She was sick of cages. As a child she had thought her house was her cage. When she escaped that prison, she had realized the real cage was her own failing body. Natalia dismissed her bitter thoughts and simpered jokingly, “Aw, is Mommy gonna put us in time-out?” Brenon made a disturbed face, “Uh, not so sure how I feel about you callin’ Avery ‘Mommy’…” “Does that make me the dad or grandpa?” Daedalus inquired, genuinely curious. “Daedalus,” Avery chided, “Don’t make it worse.” “Nat,” Hayden hissed, “They aren’t friends. Don’t joke.” “Hey,” Natalia soothed, “Relax. We’ll be fine.” She turned to Avery, “Can I ask a favor?” “Depends on the favor,” Avery replied cryptically. Behind her back, Natalia’s hand brushed over the Yegorov’s hand cannon, carefully hidden between her body and the seat of her throne. “Don’t hurt Hayden,” Natalia requested. Her fingers wrapped around the grip. “Nat?” Hayden asked. Avery’s eyes flashed as she realized what Natalia was doing. The Exo burst into motion, reaching for her sidearm. Daedalus and Brenon came to the same conclusion a fraction of a second later, mimicking Avery. For Natalia, it all happened in slow motion. She pulled the hand cannon out from behind her, leveling on Avery as Avery’s sidearm rose to challenge it. Natalia took a deep breath in, remembering the taste of the cold air as she took aim at the man who killed Hayden’s parents, the day it all started. She squeezed the trigger, remembering the sound of the gunshot that saved Hayden’s life and listening for the one that would decide her fate.

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  • Edited by Grays_KS27: 9/14/2019 10:55:18 AM
    NOTE: This chapter has been shortened to adhere to the character limit. There’s no real change, but many small bits have been removed that may or may not affect the quality of the chapter.

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