Alright folks! Parties over, another Monday, Another non-banned RMM! Thanks to all who participated for their good sport and half cooked roasts. I really appreciate it, I really do so thank you!
[spoiler]Alright, I wrote this down but my app crashed so big RIP.
Alrighty! Another Monday, another Roast Me!
All you’ve gotta do is post a roast and wait to be toast. I’ll roast you after and we can either keep going back and forth or stop so you can tend to your feelings!
Another thing, nothing too harsh to warrant banning cause that sucks.
This session as always ends around 10:30pm HST, so finish up your roasts, I’ll reply and I’ll call it a night.
Anyways have fun and start the ROAST.
1. Read everything
2. You post, I roast, We’re Toast by 10:30pm HST
Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe :P
Don’t downvote for no raisin, that’s not nice...[/spoiler]
You are not worthy of a stale crumb that has fallen to the floor.