Hi. I'm simply curious as to why a.business who has made EXPLOSIVE games doesnt have a contact for customer service or troubleshooting, or even simply concerns. This is INSANELY unprofessional, especially for a company that makes games that do so well, like Destiny and Destiny 2. I'd love to speak with someone, as I have wanted to for awhile now, but never bothered an attempt. I see, now, why no one bothers and why D2 is failing. This is ridiculous, you cant even talk to the people who religiously play your game (give or take a few who are godly at the game, I'm sure). You dont even give the OPTION for them to talk to you and be ignored, we literally have no option and you dont care.
That being said, your meta is OP, even for a meta, this game is zero fun for 99% of people who used to play for fun. especially in PVP, there's no point unless you have these certain weapons, otherwise you're -blam!-ed unless you lag switch, with is ALSO pathetic.
Games always have bugs, sure. But what the hell are you doing not addressing these concerns directly, and giving us more content instead of better more evened out gameplay??? What the bungie.
I’d you don’t like the current meta, you should sound off in #feedback so the right people hear your concerns. As for bugs, there are some. There is a pinned post in #help that has a list of known issues as well as some work arounds and dates for potential fixes.