Seriously Bungie?
OEM was already bad enough, it's everywhere as Xur JUST sold it a few weeks ago,
but giving EVERY player an OEM with Enhanced HC Targeting?
Please tell me this is yalls way of saying, "Enjoy it while you can before we nerf it in a few weeks."
Because I found Xur in Rumble yesterday, and sent him a message asking him to stop selling garbage. It seems he listened.
My hopes exactly. I also wonder since when has Xur sold enhanced perk armor? Xur has sold OEM 3 times very recently the two times prior it had HC targeting and now it has Enhanced HC targeting. Seems odd to me. The again he sold traction Stompees so I am excited about that.
I’d rather they just totally overhaul it at this point. It’s already been made to be less useful in PvE. Literally any more nerfs and it’ll be an entirely garbage exotic.
Did ya say Enhanced Targetting? Well looks like I'm going to buy it.
It doesn’t need a nerf