I'm not one to shout about nerfing weapoms, Especially ones that either take time to grind a quest for or a raid multiple times over to find.
One Thousand Voices is a brilliant gun and worth the grind, but without fail you're guaranteed a kill, like Sleeper, it takes no skill or proper aiming to get a kill.Except it is an advantage over sleeper, and that advantage is you can the line of fire wherever you want and anything shot at or in that line WILL die. This makes gambit invasions frustrating, especially when shot across the map because of its range, there is no denying it is ridiculous how despite how far the laser shoots it does not loose damage, it can still one hit kill.
I think it's becoming more of a thing now the Last Wish raid has got easier with power level and more people are getting the gun, I think it's time for a range nerf or nerf the damage past a certain range.
Wheres yours, bro?